Tuck Admissions


Jul 19, 2024

Tuck Admissions Insights: Test Scores

Standardized tests are not one-size-fits-all. Lean into the test on which you score best.

Tuck graduates

Jul 19, 2024

Tuck Admissions Insights: Your Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Your goals reflect your awareness. Tuck’s short-answer questions about goals invite applicant responses that are clear, concise, and matter-of-fact.


Jul 19, 2024

Tuck Admissions Insights: Optional Information Section

Tuck Admissions on how to best use (if at all!) the Optional Information section of your application.


Jul 19, 2024

Reapplying to Tuck

We make difficult admissions decisions each round we cannot admit all of the qualified candidates who apply. Strong reapplicants take...


Jul 19, 2024

Tuck Admissions Insights: Employment History, Common Applicant Questions

Tactical guidelines on what information to provide in the Employment History section of your application.

Two Tuck students preparing for a case competition

Jul 12, 2024

A Closer Look at Tuck’s Admissions Criteria: Smart

Being smart at Tuck means you have the necessary intellectual aptitude to succeed in a rigorous and demanding learning environment.

Tuck students giving each other high fives, class day

Jul 12, 2024

A Closer Look at Tuck’s Admissions Criteria: Encouraging

At Tuck, being encouraging, collaborative, and empathetic means you invest both in your own success and also in the success...


Jul 12, 2024

A Closer Look at Tuck’s Admissions Criteria: Aware

Demonstrating awareness entails three things: knowing who you are, knowing where you’re going, and knowing how Tuck helps you c...

Tuck student listening within a group

Jul 12, 2024

A Closer Look at Tuck’s Admissions Criteria: Accomplished

At Tuck, we seek candidates who are excellent on the job and impactful outside it. Learn how you can demonstrate...