Applying to Tuck

We aim to provide a personal, connected, and transformative application experience that mirrors the distinct MBA experience you can expect to have here at Tuck.

Whether you’re just starting out on your MBA application journey or you’re ready to apply to Tuck, we believe the following information, resources, and advice will best prepare you to submit your application with confidence. We look forward to getting to know you throughout the application process.


Preparing to Apply

Getting to Know Tuck

Before you apply, we encourage you to get to know Tuck. Explore Tuck’s many curricular, co-curricular, and career opportunities and determine what you would like your MBA experience to be. Getting to know Tuck will help you articulate how the distinct Tuck MBA will contribute to achieving your goals and aspirations and how your background will contribute to the diverse Tuck culture and community. These are questions you will need to answer in your application! 

Beyond the academic, career, and student life information across our website, we recommend reviewing the following pages and utilizing the below resources as you’re preparing to apply:

“I encourage prospective students to reflect on what they want to get out of their business school experience and start getting to know the distinct Tuck community. Our motto is “Your time, Your Tuck.” Every Tuckie you speak to will offer a unique perspective on this special place.”
ARLEEN CHIEN T'21 | Read her story

Application Deadlines


Submit complete application by

Receive admission decision on

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Round 1*

Sep 26, 2024 5:00pm ET

Dec 12, 2024 5:00pm ET

Feb 10, 2025 5:00pm ET

Round 2*

Jan 06, 2025 5:00pm ET

Mar 13, 2025 5:00pm ET

Apr 21, 2025 5:00pm ET

Round 3

Mar 26, 2025 5:00pm ET

May 01, 2025 5:00pm ET

May 23, 2025 5:00pm ET

Round 1*

Submit Application By

Sep 26, 2024 5:00pm ET

Receive Decision On

Dec 12, 2024 5:00pm ET

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Feb 10, 2025 5:00pm ET

Round 2*

Submit Application By

Jan 06, 2025 5:00pm ET

Receive Decision On

Mar 13, 2025 5:00pm ET

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Apr 21, 2025 5:00pm ET

Round 3

Submit Application By

Mar 26, 2025 5:00pm ET

Receive Decision On

May 01, 2025 5:00pm ET

Enrollment Deposit Due By

May 23, 2025 5:00pm ET

*Applicants who submit their complete application (including test scores and Letters of Reference) by the following deadlines (including the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management) will be guaranteed an admissions interview. Round 1: September 3, 2024 5:00pm ET; Round 2: December 2, 2024 5:00pm ET. 

One week before decisions are released all applicants will receive instructions for accessing their application decision via the application portal the following week. We officially communicate all decisions via the application portal. We may also personally contact admitted applicants to share the good news.

Navigating the Application

Each component of your application maps to our admissions criteria. Your application form provides background information. Your academic transcripts and test scores demonstrate that you are smart. Your resume demonstrates that you are accomplished. Your essays demonstrate that you are aware and encouraging. The Letters of Reference are designed to provide evidence of all four criteria. Learn more about each of these components of your application:

Information for International Applicants

In addition to the transcript and reference translations and English Language Proficiency application policies above, please note that international applicants may apply in any round.

U.S. visa eligibility forms will be made available to all accepted international students after they have paid their enrollment deposit. The Dartmouth Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) will assist enrolling students with the U.S. visa process.

Information for Consortium Applicants

Tuck is a proud member of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. Applicants who wish to apply to Tuck through the Consortium should complete the Consortium application in lieu of the Tuck application.

Consortium Application Deadlines


Submit complete application by

Receive admission decision on

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Consortium 1*

Oct 15, 2024 11:59pm ET

Dec 12, 2024 5:00pm ET

Feb 10, 2025 5:00pm ET

Consortium 2*

Jan 05, 2025 11:59pm ET

Mar 13, 2025 5:00pm ET

Apr 21, 2025 5:00pm ET

Consortium 1*

Submit Application By

Oct 15, 2024 11:59pm ET

Receive Decision On

Dec 12, 2024 5:00pm ET

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Feb 10, 2025 5:00pm ET

Consortium 2*

Submit Application By

Jan 05, 2025 11:59pm ET

Receive Decision On

Mar 13, 2025 5:00pm ET

Enrollment Deposit Due By

Apr 21, 2025 5:00pm ET

*Applicants who submit their complete application through the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (including test scores and Letters of Reference) by the following deadlines will be guaranteed an admissions interview. Consortium 1: September 3, 2024 5:00pm ET; Consortium 2: December 2, 2024 5:00pm ET. 

One week before decisions are released all applicants will receive instructions for accessing their application decision via the application portal the following week. We officially communicate all decisions via the application portal. We may also personally contact admitted applicants to share the good news.

“You may have heard about the Consortium, been to a Consortium MAPS event, or perhaps you are in the process of putting the finishing touches on your Consortium application to Tuck. You may also have no idea what I am referring to! Wherever you find yourself, let this application journey be your own and know that you are in the right place.”
—Amy Mitson, Director of Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing
Keep reading if you are curious about applying to Tuck through the Consortium or need guidance on your application in progress: Applying to Tuck through the Consortium?

Information for Reapplicants

As a reapplicant, you must submit a new application. Procedurally, applying as a reapplicant is almost exactly the same as the previous time you applied albeit for an additional reapplicant essay and, depending on when you previously applied, you may only need to submit one new Letter of Reference. Please reference the application policies above for details.

We will consider only one application per academic year. You are welcome to reapply to Tuck in the next application cycle and we look favorably upon reapplicants who have strengthened their candidacy across our four admissions criteria.

“The fact that you remain enthusiastic about Tuck and want to contribute to our community shows us that you sincerely want to be here—we appreciate that! That said, strong reapplicants take action to strengthen their candidacy, and go beyond simply resubmitting their previous application.”
—Amy Mitson, Director of Admissions. Recruitment and Marketing
Discover what the reapplication process entails and what steps you can take to strengthen your application: Reapplying to Tuck

“My advice to prospective students is to tell your authentic story, reflect on how you can uniquely contribute to the Tuck community, and not to give up if things don’t work out the first time around. I am a waitlister and reapplicant. I knew Tuck was the right fit for me and persisting through the application process was unequivocally worth it.”
MARK NOBLE T'21 | Read his story

Understanding Next Steps

Each of us appreciates the trust and faith you place in us to evaluate your candidacy. We enjoy getting to know you better through your application, and we take great care to conduct our assessment with fairness, equity, humanity, and positivity. We’re proud of our open and transparent admissions process and invite you to review the following to ensure you understand next steps:


We wish you the best of luck during the admissions process. If you have any questions, please explore our Admissions FAQs and do not hesitate to contact us at +1 603 646 3162 or by email.

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