
Knowledge in Practice: Research Insights from Tuck's Path-Breaking Faculty

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The Science of Tipping

Why do we tip, and does it make any sense? Tuck professor Laurens Debo creates a modeling framework to find some answers to these economically significant questions.

Jun 05, 2024

The End of Analog

In Vijay Govindarajan’s new book, Fusion Strategy, the longtime professor of strategy and innovation explains how AI and real-time data will transform the $75 trillion industrial economy.

Jun 03, 2024

Managing Change in the Workplace

How can businesses lead diverse organizations, build a healthy work culture, and create equal, collaborative spaces for all? Tuck faculty have some ideas.

Apr 11, 2024

The Ripple Effects of the Great Credit Expansion

Gordon Phillips and colleagues uncover how consumer credit impacts individuals and families.

Mar 18, 2024

How Job Mobility Eliminates the Gender Gap in Networks

Tuck professor Adam Kleinbaum shows that women become more powerful brokers after changing work locations.

Mar 18, 2024

A Teacher and Mentor to First-Generation Corporates

Gail Ayala Taylor has taught thousands of Tuck students, from Bridge to Executive Education. Now she is distilling her experience into a book about the transition from college to the corporate workplace.

Mar 13, 2024

Why We Need Co-Conspirators

Women are still significantly underrepresented in leadership. Professor Ella Bell Smith and Ashley Zwick of the Tuck Initiative on Workplace Inclusion share what we can do.

Mar 13, 2024

Viewing Life as a Learning Process

Hart Posen builds computational models to understand why entrepreneurs and firms succeed or fail.

Mar 08, 2024

Slaughter & Rees Report: Help Avenge the Murder of Alexei Navalny

How? By redoubling efforts to build trust within and among organizations’ stakeholders, say Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and coauthor Matthew Rees.

Feb 29, 2024

National Brands Hate Private Labels, But Make Them Anyway

In a groundbreaking study of national brands that supply private label products, Tuck professor Kusum Ailawadi uncovers the dynamics behind the best kept secret in retailing.

Feb 26, 2024

Meet Robota: A Tuck Professor’s AI-Generated Teaching Assistant

Tuck Professor Rob Shumsky has created an AI-generated chatbot to help answer his students’ questions.

Feb 15, 2024

Slaughter & Rees Report: Will the World Get a Vote in America?

As November elections approach in America, Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and coauthor Matthew Rees call on the next U.S. president to articulate a new vision for globalization—one that doesn’t involve building more walls.

Jan 31, 2024

But Will They Watch till the End?

Video ads are everywhere, yet consumers rarely view them in their entirety. Tuck professors Prasad Vana and Scott Neslin show how to reduce audience abandonment.

Jan 16, 2024

Do Hiring Managers Discriminate against Stay-at-Home Fathers?

Tuck professor Julia Melin charts evolving perceptions of men who return to work after taking time off to raise their kids.

Nov 21, 2023

Are Consumers Getting a Bad Deal from Debt Collectors?

Tuck professor Felipe Severino makes a surprising discovery: consumers who negotiate an out-of-court settlement have far worse financial outcomes than those who go through the court system.

Nov 20, 2023

How Can We Boost the Power of Renewables while Reducing Electrical Demands?

In three new working papers, Tuck faculty from operations and marketing discover new ways to conserve and manage electricity.

Nov 09, 2023

Do Investors Use the Media to Hurt Their Competitors?

Tuck professor Mark DesJardine uncovers an unsettling connection between institutional investors and negative media coverage.

Oct 26, 2023

It’s Time to Rethink How We Measure Globalization

A new paper from Teresa Fort finds that current data collection methods don’t capture the full range of U.S. manufacturing firms’ domestic and global operations.

Oct 17, 2023

A Unique Driver of the Sharing Economy: Belief in the Meritocracy

Tuck marketing professor Nailya Ordabayeva discusses her latest research on the role of ideological beliefs in consumer behavior.

Oct 16, 2023

Yelp Impacts Consumer Demand for Nursing Homes

Yelp has a powerful influence over consumer demand for nursing homes. New research from Tuck professor Lauren Lu explains why that might not be ideal.

Sep 18, 2023

Helping Consumers Help Themselves

Associate professor Lauren Grewal’s research and teaching exist at the intersection of consumer behavior, social media, and well-being.

Aug 16, 2023

Can Facts Reverse the Backlash to Globalization?

Free trade is under attack. Davin Chor studied whether evidence-based information could change the narrative.

Aug 16, 2023

How Generative AI Reshapes the Business Landscape

Professor Alva Taylor and Patrick Wheeler of the Tuck Glassmeyer/McNamee Center for Digital Strategies argue that most organizations are not prepared for the challenges brought on by platforms such as ChatGPT.

Aug 14, 2023

Using Science to Imagine an Alternative Reality

How do we make sense of what could have happened? Tuck professor Raghav Singal created a framework that helps solve the age-old counterfactual conundrum.

Jul 25, 2023

The Waning Impact of Price Promotions

Tuck marketing professor Scott Neslin studies how consumer response to price promotions has changed over time.

Jun 27, 2023

Painting a Picture of Nonprofit Governance

Tuck professors Katharina Lewellen and Gordon Phillips show the many ways nonprofit hospital governance differs from that of for-profits.

Jun 14, 2023

When We Agree, Our Brains Align

New research from Adam Kleinbaum shows how consensus-building conversations bring us closer together.

Jun 01, 2023

Solving a Problem for the Used Electronics Market

Tuck operations professor Laurens Debo finds an optimal procurement strategy for electronics remanufacturers.

May 05, 2023

Slaughter & Rees Report: India’s Ascent: Will Past Be Prologue?

The Indian economy is on the rise. But its sustained progress will depend on whether it continues to pursue policies that raise labor productivity, say Dean Matthew Slaughter and coauthor Matthew Rees.

Apr 28, 2023

Activist Shareholders to CEOs: It’s Not About You

Activist shareholders are paying more attention than ever to CEOs’ choice of language—and punishing them for being too focused on independence and control.

Apr 27, 2023

How Political Identity Shapes Consumer Behavior

Consumers have a strong desire to differentiate themselves from others in the marketplace. But research from Tuck’s Nailya Ordabayeva finds that conservatives and liberals accomplish this differentiation in very different ways.

Mar 30, 2023

Slaughter & Rees Report: How Commerce Can Save the Climate

To slow the rate of global warming, Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and coauthor Matthew Rees propose a green free trade agreement.

Mar 29, 2023

Tuck Professors Coedit First Handbook on Business and Climate Change

Anant Sundaram and Robert Hansen gathered 41 authors to take a comprehensive look at how business intersects with climate change.

Mar 23, 2023

Slaughter & Rees Report: The Biathlon and Business Leadership

Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and coauthor Matthew Rees discuss the values of trust and tolerance and their role in economic activity.

Feb 27, 2023

Lower Prices or More Domestic Jobs? The Tradeoff in Corporate Mergers

Tuck professor Felix Montag created a model to help policymakers analyze the main tradeoffs in corporate mergers.

Feb 22, 2023

The Quest to Understand and Predict Behavior

For Dan Feiler, the most interesting and powerful explanations of human judgment and decision-making are the ones that are hiding in plain sight.

Feb 03, 2023