
Knowledge in Practice: Research Insights from Tuck's Path-Breaking Faculty

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Slaughter & Rees Report: The Chinese Yuan, Global Markets, and Shooting Dirty Pool

Optimists that we are, your correspondents were looking for an exciting start to 2016. “Exciting” is one word that might describe the new year in global markets.

Jan 11, 2016

The Value of Certainty

New research by Tuck professor Santiago Gallino reveals the benefits of virtual fitting rooms in online retail.

Dec 22, 2015

How Costly Is Bankruptcy For The CEO?

New research by Tuck professor B. Espen Eckbo sheds light on the impact of corporate bankruptcy on CEOs’ personal careers and wealth.

Dec 10, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Survival of the Nimblest

Technology continues to remake large swatches of the global economy. Want Exhibit A that the world of finance is being transformed? How about banks deciding whether to lend to you based on how quickly you run down your smartphone battery?

Dec 07, 2015

The Business Case For An Open Mind

To take advantage of new opportunities, managers need to be aware of their own cognitive inertia.

Dec 03, 2015

In Search of Why

A conversation with Eesha Sharma, Assistant Professor of Business Administration.

Dec 03, 2015

At the Edge of Discovery

Solving the most important challenges of our time requires an approach that cuts across the disciplines, departments, and schools. Meet four Tuck faculty members who are doing just that—by exploring and expanding the boundaries of their fields of expertise with colleagues from across Dartmouth.

Dec 03, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Leaders Helping Leaders?

Once a year, The Wall Street Journal convenes in Washington, D.C. its CEO Forum, at which over 100 CEOs of global companies gather to engage with each other, with policy leaders, and with WSJ editors and other guests on the business and policy issues of the day. At the most recent gathering, one of us attended to moderate one of the six task-force discussions; most specifically, on the topic of how public policy might better foster the innovativeness and competitiveness of companies in the United States.

Nov 30, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish

The health of a body politic can often be gauged by its ability to act in the long-term, national interest. On that metric, all does not seem well in the United States.

Nov 23, 2015

Why the U.S. Should Admit More Foreign Workers

Anup Srivastava finds skilled foreign laborers are a boon to the American economy.

Nov 17, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: The Betamax Bust and the Future of Global Business

Sony's Betamax gave television viewers the ability to record programs even while they weren’t watching them.

Nov 16, 2015

A Deeper Understanding of Brand Equity

Kusum Ailawadi studies the link between two common measures of brand equity.

Nov 06, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: How Refugees Can Revive Europe’s Economies

Refugees will deliver a long-term economic stimulus to the region.

Nov 02, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: The Financial-Inclusion Revolution

The banking industry is in the doldrums.

Oct 26, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Three Reasons to Support the TPP

A plurality of Americans support the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Oct 12, 2015

Social Networking: It Pays to Be (Seen As) Good

Research from three Tuck professors provides new insight into social networking.

Oct 05, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Brazil’s Dubious Destiny

Once called "the land of the future," Brazil struggles to live up to its potential.

Oct 05, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Who Has an Answer to the Puzzle of $53,657?

What do U.S. Presidential aspirants Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have in common?

Sep 28, 2015

Deflating Disruption Theory

Andrew King critiques Clayton Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation.

Sep 21, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: An Offer in the Oval Office

Here's what we hope President Obama says to China’s President Xi.

Sep 21, 2015

Slaughter & Rees Report: Albert Einstein and the Global Economy

“Everything should be made as simple as possible—but not simpler,” counseled Albert Einstein. As with physics, so too with public policies aimed at addressing the world’s tensions of rising income inequality.

Sep 14, 2015

Are Electric Vehicle Incentives Worth It?

Electric car subsidies are based on the assumption that the vehicles are better for the environment. But the reality may be more complex, says Erin Mansur.

Aug 26, 2015

Marketing the Product by Managing the Channel

Scott Neslin explores how to get consumers to buy in multiple venues.

Aug 17, 2015

Generosity and Your Inner Accountant

Eesha Sharma explores the link between mental accounting and charitable giving.

Aug 10, 2015

The Evolution of Reputation

Professors from Tuck and Dartmouth apply an evolutionary biology model to corporate reputation.

Jun 18, 2015

How Public Opinion Can Influence Organizations

Pino Audia says business leaders are more desirous of social approval than we may think.

Jun 01, 2015

Is Your Social Network a Biased Sample?

New research takes the “friendship paradox” beyond mathematical theory, and adds an intriguing corollary.

Apr 07, 2015

The Quest for the Subtle Nudge

Tuck marketing professor Punam Anand Keller tackles obesity in her research.

Mar 31, 2015

A Few Words On…Brand Leadership

Peter Golder talks about industry pioneers, memory bias, and healthy paranoia.

Mar 04, 2015

Finding Your Niche in a Complex Marketplace

Ron Adner offers a more nuanced and powerful tool to examine strategic positioning.

Feb 11, 2015

Identity Marketing’s Dangerous Game

Amit Bhattacharjee uncovers the hidden perils of marketing on the basis of identity.

Feb 04, 2015

How Dynamic Leaders Think

Constance Helfat and Margaret Peteraf examine the role of managerial cognitive capability in firms’ ability to adapt to change.

Jan 12, 2015

How U.S. Firms Shift Income Abroad

Richard Sansing sheds light on cost-sharing arrangements that save U.S. corporations billions in income taxes.

Jan 12, 2015

The Simplicity of Complexity

Q&A with Scott Neslin, Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing.

Dec 12, 2014

The Strategists

There are many paths to the top and Tuck’s renowned strategy professors know them all.

Dec 12, 2014

A Few Words On…Innovation

Vijay Govindarajan talks casually about his research.

Dec 11, 2014