
Jul 26, 2012

Why Live-Streaming the Olympics is a Good Move for NBC

NBC should be able to entice viewers to stick around and watch other shows.

Jul 23, 2012

Truth in Advertising

How consumers win when companies exaggerate how good their products are.

Jul 20, 2012

Aiding Your Own

U.S. altruism may not be the only factor that shapes U.S. trade policy.

Jul 17, 2012

Health Care in America: Where to Now?

Professor Hansen says the law brings fairness to the country's health care system.

Jul 06, 2012

The Company You Keep

Adam Kleinbaum's latest look at employee social networks suggests those who follow nontraditional career paths may be more in the know.

Jun 19, 2012

Handle With Care

Katharina Lewellen and colleagues look at the investment patterns of nonprofit hospitals and find them remarkably similar to those of shareholder-owned corporations.

Jun 01, 2012

The Global Business Laboratory

Q&A with marketing professor and Global Leadership 2030 instructor Peter Golder.

May 30, 2012

Lessons From Apple’s Fading Mystique

Corporate communications professor Paul Argenti says a company’s reputation is an asset that should be protected and actively cultivated.

May 21, 2012

Not So Fast

The "Buffett Rule" offers politicians a quick and easy way to frame the debate on tax rates for the wealthy. But it only tells part of the story, says professor Richard Sansing.

Apr 23, 2012

Brand Interrupted: Burger King’s Overhaul

Burger King’s new menu and marketing campaign missed a chance to cash in on some valuable brand equity, says marketing professor Peter Golder.

Apr 13, 2012

Reverse Innovation

Firms innovate for developing countries and then export to the West.

Apr 09, 2012

Dinosaurs of the Retail Ecosystem

Smartphones and e-commerce have changed the dynamics of bricks-and-mortar retailing. For professor Ron Adner, it’s an object lesson in reacting to innovation.

Feb 06, 2012

Pricing the News

Marketing professor Praveen Kopalle explains the challenging dynamics of newspaper pay walls.

Jan 25, 2012

From the Ground Up

For the first time in more than 40 years, says professor Vandewalle, Libya has a chance to build a functioning government and economy.

Jan 06, 2012

Enduring Innovation in an Ever-Changing World

Alva Taylor uncovers the skills firms need to innovate across technological divides.

Jan 06, 2012

A Case For Change

Constance Helfat examines the impact of dynamic capabilities on firm performance and finds there are advantages to forgoing business as usual.

Jan 06, 2012

Truth and Rumors

B. Espen Eckbo examines share price run-ups in merger negotiations and finds that neither side puts much stock into the rumors.

Jan 05, 2012

On the Bubble

Manuel Adelino finds a new way to measure the effect of credit on home prices and offers new evidence that cheap credit alone was not to blame for the bubble.

Dec 01, 2011

What’s In It for Them?

Professor Ron Adner says having a great idea is not always enough to succeed.

Oct 06, 2011

A Stress Test for the Euro

The European Union is bailing out Greece again. The bigger worry, says Tuck professor Espen Eckbo, is that Italy might be next.

Sep 22, 2011

What Bank of America Needs Now

Current Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan is nothing like his predecessor. That’s a good thing, says Professor Syd Finkelstein.

Aug 18, 2011

Reinventing Capitalism

If last summer's debt-ceiling crisis taught us anything, says professor Richard D’Aveni, it’s that the United States needs a transformational economic strategy. In his new book, Strategic Capitalism, D'Aveni offers one.

Jul 18, 2011

Going Forward in Reverse

Vijay Govindarajan says the locus of innovation is shifting to the developing world.

Jul 18, 2011

A Longer Leash

M. Eric Johnson offers managers a new way of governing employee access to data that allows for both greater flexibility and control.

Jul 18, 2011

The Science of Better Choices

Punam Anand Keller wants to help you make the right decision for your health.

Jul 18, 2011

Prescription for Health—and Profits

Scott Neslin examines patient compliance and persistence in pharmaceuticals and finds valuable lessons for marketing and public policy.

Jun 06, 2011

Crude Calculations

Marketing professor Kusum Ailawadi studied how gasoline prices impact consumers’ grocery shopping behavior.

Apr 29, 2011

What if You Could Build a House for $300?

Professor Vijay Govindarajan posed this question in his blog on the Harvard Business Review website last August and the response was overwhelming.

Apr 26, 2011

Avoiding Sales Tax—Artful Dodge or Shrinking Loophole?

The lengths online retailers will go to avoid collecting sales taxes is consistent with new research by Leslie Robinson that shows companies can and do avoid taxes not based on income.

Mar 31, 2011

Health Care Data Leaks

M. Eric Johnson, the Benjamin Ames Kimball Professor of the Science of Administration and director of Tuck’s Center for Digital Strategies, says bad software is to blame for information breaches.

Mar 23, 2011

Innovation Ecosystems: Is there a Cost to Collaboration?

More and more companies are using innovation ecosystems to bring better products to market. But Ron Adner, Associate Professor of Business Administration, says all of this collaboration comes at a cost.

Mar 04, 2011

Handicapping the FedEx Cup

The PGA Tour's FedEx Cup has been criticized for its overly complicated points system. But new research by professor Rendleman suggests organizers have it right.

Jan 24, 2011

No Silver Bullet

Mortgage renegotiation has done little to stem the tide of preventable home foreclosures in the United States.

Jan 04, 2011

What Makes Exporters Tick

Andrew Bernard makes the case that big, productive exporters—not entrepreneurial newcomers—hold the key to U.S. export growth.

Jan 03, 2011

A Win-Win That Isn’t

Richard Sansing does the math and shows that tax deductions for R&D may only break even for U.S. taxpayers.

Dec 22, 2010

Picture This

The way consumers remember negative events can affect how distant they feel from them and how likely they are to assign blame to those involved.