Nov 04, 2014

“What if…?” How to Address Application Weaknesses

Sometimes we just don’t have all of the credentials, the experience, or the skills we need to ensure we will get to where we want to be. There are times when these challenges can be overcome with hard work, dedicated focus on improving our prospects, and just a little creative thinking.  The MBA application is no different.  There are several situations that can leave a candidate feeling less than confidant about gaining admission to their dream school.  First, to ease your fears: there are some fairly common stumbling blocks on the road to an MBA--and they can often be overcome, or at least minimized.

Here’s the key: rather than resolve yourself to months of worry and regret over things you can’t change, there are many ways to actively turn a less than ideal situation into a more positive one.  It’s also important to keep in mind that the application process really is holistic. We know that you’re way more than just one particular data point.

If we missed something or if you have follow-up questions, join us for our upcoming
chat on Beat the GMAT!  Wednesday, November 12, 12-1pm ET

What if my undergraduate GPA is low?

First, a reminder that the Admissions Committee reviews applicants with a very holistic approach.  While important, an undergraduate GPA that is below the average for any given school by itself won’t typically prevent admission.  Also note that while your GPA may be below a school’s average, it could be within its range. 

That being said, a low GPA is still a weakness in your application, and that should be addressed.  If possible, start by acknowledging this in the optional essay and providing an explanation (not an excuse!). 

Finally, prove to us that you’re capable of handling an extremely rigorous, and quant heavy, curriculum.  You can do this by scoring well on the GMAT (or GRE), taking additional, supplemental classes beyond your undergraduate degree and submitting well-written essays.  It’s also important to clearly show us areas you do excel in; leadership, global experiences, community involvement, etc.

What if my GMAT score isn’t where I want it to be?

First thing to keep in mind--a school’s average GMAT is just that, an average.  One big advantage to this challenge versus a low GPA is that you can choose to retake the GMAT, without consequence.  After giving it your best effort, if you feel like there’s no amount of additional preparation that will improve your score, you’re still not out of the game.  Again, you’ll need to prove you can handle a rigorous quantitative curriculum; high undergraduate GPA, supplemental courses with good scores (we often suggest financial accounting, statistics and microeconomics), etc.  Finally, highlight areas of your background that shine.

What if I come from a non-traditional professional background?

Great!  Tuck values unique experiences and individuals – many students decide to go to business school with the intention of switching careers and/or industries, so you won’t be alone.  Show us through your essays and interview how that unconventional experience will actually bring a different and positive perspective to your classmates.  Also, while you may not have been crunching numbers, there’s a good chance you’ve been honing skills that will help you succeed in business; leadership traits, interpersonal skills, communication expertise, etc.  Be sure to tell us the reality of the situation, not just what you think we want to hear.  Is your previous work experience based on a passion of yours?  Wonderful!  Let us know.  Additionally, take some time to reflect on some important questions – for you and for us.  What are your long-term goals?  How will an MBA help you achieve them?  Why now?  Why Tuck?  Once you answered these, if your path still leads you to Tuck, your sincerity and passion will be evident.

Looking for more? Join Tuck Admissions next week on Beat the GMAT for live Q&A: Wednesday, November 12, 12-1pm ET

What if I have very little global experience?

Like everything else, global experience is an important factor in your application, but certainly not the only one.  You may have more global experience than you think.  Have you worked or lived outside your home country?  Have you visited for an extended period of time?  Have you worked with global clients within your home country?  Do you know a second language?  Or, maybe this is the perfect time to jump on that international opportunity you’ve been postponing.

What if I haven’t had substantial leadership experience?

Like a lack of global experience, you may have more leadership experience than you think.  Consider times you led without a formal title.  Do you take the reins when it comes to projects with your colleagues?  Was there a committee or sub-committee that you steered in undergrad or for a non-profit or athletic endeavor?  Likewise, it could be a great time to volunteer for leadership roles in the workplace, or perhaps volunteer for this responsibility in a community activity you’re involved in.    

What if I’ve switched a couple of jobs in a short period of time?

This definitely happens and for a variety of different reasons.  The most important thing here is to explain the situation.  The less information you give us, the more we have to guess and though we’d love to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, this method may not be to our advantage, or yours.  The optional essay is a great place to address job switching and employment gaps. 

What if I can’t ask my current supervisor for a recommendation?

This is a fairly common dilemma. While it’s certainly helpful to have the insight of a direct supervisor, not having one isn’t a deal breaker. Consider reaching out to the person you reported to prior to your current boss. Other options may be current clients, a colleague who led a team for a project you worked on or the director of your department or team. The key thing to remember is when selecting recommenders, focus on people who can really speak to your strengths (and weaknesses) in key areas such as leadership, teamwork, and aptitude. Steer clear of asking former professors, family members or your little league coach.


Tuck Admissions will be hosting live Q&A on Beat the GMAT,
Wednesday, November 12 from 12-1pm ET.  
We also host several chats on our website, featuring both staff and current students.
See you soon!