Oct 02, 2012

Trombones, puppies, and apple crisp

By Claire B. TP14

Question: what do trombones, puppies, and apple crisp have in common?

Answer: My last Sunday involved these wide-ranging activities, and I learned about them all through resources specifically designed to connect Tuck partners.

By way of background: I considered myself pretty proficient at facebook... until I moved to Hanover as a TP'14.  There are facebook groups for Tuck Partners, Tuckies living in Sachem Village, Tuck Dog Owners, and several other Tuck affinity groups.  But the kicker is: people post to these groups constantly.  As in "can anyone spare two eggs to save me a run to the grocery store?"... and within 5 minutes people respond in the affirmative.  It happens every time.

To demonstrate this, allow me to detail my last Sunday here in Hanover.  First, I learned of an outing to the nearby Watson Dog Park, so I packed up my puppy Honey and we headed over to meet up with other Tuckies, TPs, and their canine companions.










Honey was wiped.


This was perfect, I put Honey down for a nap and was free for the afternoon.  The USAF Band of Liberty's trombone quartet (Mach Four) was in town for a concert at the Hop.  I wanted to go, but my student was busy taking a take-home exam.  So, I put out a call to other Tuck Partners on facebook, shortly got a response, and spent some time with a new friend instead!  She took this incredible photo for me (no I am not a member of Mach Four):


Then, we went home, had dinner together, and popped some homemade apple crisp in the oven (apples fresh from apple picking).  We posted online for others to come enjoy dessert with us, and sure enough 15 minutes later the doorbell rang and we had guests for dessert.


The point being: ample resources exist to ensure that you (as a TP) will never be short on activities, friends, or baking supplies.