Tuck's Student Ambassador Team collaborates with the Admissions Office to share their Tuck experience with prospective students. The team is structured by geographical region, with an SAT Captain leading each. In the following months, we'll introduce you to them. Today, meet Eduardo Watanabe, T'17 and Brazil Lead. Please reach out to Eduardo or any other Student Ambassador using this website. They love to connect with future Tuckies, especially when they're from "home"!
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil, got my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, and did consulting at Accenture for 5 years prior to Tuck. Last summer, I did my internship at Tesla in Silicon Valley, and after graduation, I intend to go back to Brazil (probably consulting again).
Why Tuck?
Tuck is the place I felt would provide the most insightful experience, and the place where I’d be able to make life-time friends, not just a network. It's a place where you can reflect deeply about your goals and openly discuss them with friends who will provide feedback and support.
Everyone at Tuck chooses a different path. What’s your life at Tuck like?
My life couldn’t be better. I’m single and try to take advantage of most social events (like hockey, which my team managed to win last winter!). I also host several small groups dinners in my home, with different people (at least once a week), so that we can chat more. During Fall A, I also invested a lot of time sharing my stats and ManEc (managerial economics) skills with my study group and friends, because I believe that helping each other is the best way to achieve higher goals.
Transformational Moment
During Outward Bound (an optional pre-term program), when I was the captain of the boat, I made a wrong maneuver and our boat lagged behind the other boats. At the time I felt terrible about it, and thought that my team would give me harsh feedback. Instead, they supported me and highlighted my positive qualities. I was really surprised with their support and felt much more confident during my other leadership experiences.
Why did you join the Student Ambassador Team?
I truly believe that Tuck provides a unique experience to the students, and I want to show that to the prospective Brazilians. Moreover, I believe that Tuck has a branding opportunity in Brazil, because most Brazilians end up staying in the US and are therefore less visible. I’d like to change this misleading perception.
What surprised you most at Tuck?
The people. I admire my classmates, and I learn a lot by chatting or working with them. Such a great experience!
Any advice for prospective students?
Be yourself and show why Tuck would be a great fit for you and why you would be a great fit for Tuck.