May 16, 2024

Q&A: Meet Incoming and Outgoing Tuck WIB Presidents

By Tuck Women in Business

As the 2023–2024 academic year draws to a close, Tuck Women in Business sat down with their outgoing and incoming WIB presidents, Shreya Banerjee T’24 and Tori Semaan T’25.

Shreya Banerjee T’24

Outgoing WIB President

What was your favorite WIB event or experience?  
It’s definitely hard to pick just one event but we recently had the founders of the original WIB Symposium 10 years ago speak to us. It was so heartwarming to hear about their vision for WIB and how it’s evolved over time while still staying true to the ultimate goal of building a strong and encouraging female-identifying student community at Tuck. 

How has your leadership role in WIB impacted your leadership development?  
Leading your peers and friends can be tough at times and we’re taking on these roles without compensation. Finding a way to lead with a clear vision and values, but also incorporate with compassion and grace has been a skill that I’ve had to develop in this role. It has been so rewarding as I think about my future leadership style. 

What will you miss most from your time at Tuck?  
I’m really going to miss the proximity to my classmates and friends that you can only get in a place like the Upper Valley. It’s so fun to walk into Lou’s on a Sunday morning and see Tuck taking over or being able to randomly walk by my friends’ houses in town and catch up with them. 

Do you have any advice for T’25s going into their second year?  
One of the most unique parts of the Tuck experience is being able to tap into networks and friendships in the classes above and below you. My first year was singlehandedly improved through my friendships with T’23s and it was important to me to pay it forward with the T’25s—so befriend those first years! 

On a similar note, second year is also a great time to meet people in your own class that you may not have interacted with as much in your first year. Second year goes by QUICK—you’re only around for 2 months in the fall and then the next time you blink, it’s spring term. Don’t let time pass you by from building new relationships in either class! 

Tori Semaan T’25

Incoming WIB President

What are you most looking forward to in your leadership role?  
It is a privilege to advocate and support the advancement of women here at Tuck and I look forward to doing so alongside my fellow classmates (men included)! With that said, there are so many phenomenal women on campus leading various clubs, organizations, and initiatives and I look forward to serving as a connector with the intention of strengthening our overall community.

How are you planning to leave your mark on WIB?
Oh boy, what a question! I will say that I hope to empower as many women as I possibly can. There is much to be said about the experience of women in business and I hope that by being bold, making tough decisions, and staying true to myself, I can inspire others to do the same. 

What’s been your most memorable experience at Tuck so far? 
Honestly, my most memorable experience has been getting to know the people here at Tuck. I have formed solid friendships over the course of a handful of months and I am grateful for everyone who has allowed me to be me—That goofy gal from SoCal.

What WIB event are you most excited to repeat next year?  
I have to say the WIB Conference! As I was involved with this conference last year, it was great to be able to share Tuck’s values with prospective applicants and to get women excited to apply to our program. Meeting some of the women at last year’s conference and then seeing them commit to Tuck at ASW was a full circle moment for me and I am hyped to have that full circle moment once more.