Speaker Spotlight: Matt Slaughter
Matt Slaughter is the Signal Companies' Professor of Management, the associate dean for faculty, and faculty director of the Center for Global Business and Government.
For the first Tuck News Hour of the 2014–15 school year on Oct. 7, Professor Matt Slaughter wanted to do something a little different. “Talking to the CDO [Career Development Office], we had the idea to frame a conversation about where the world is today around interview questions since it’s that season for many students,” he said during his talk. “Use these as a starting point and good luck with recruiting in the months ahead!”
Here are the questions and answers Slaughter offered during his discussion called “Current Economic Issues: Five Issues Every Student Should Be Able to Discuss in a Job Interview.”
1. What is the Fed going to do in the months ahead and why?
The Fed likely will start raising interest rates by about mid-2015. It will do so in light of its dual mandate of full employment and stable prices—yet do so worried about continued labor-market fragility.
2. Consultancies in Europe are hiring a lot. Is Europe finally on the mend?
No, Europe overall is not on the mend. There may well be pockets of growth and opportunity—e.g. German exporters or UK consultants—but the broader Eurozone remains extremely fragile, with worse outcomes possible.
3. What about Japan? Are “Abenomics”—the economic policies of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe—working? Is it time to expand there?
It remains too early on Abenomics. It is easy to print more yen and borrow for more fiscal stimulus. It is harder to accelerate a country’s economic speed limit. Be hopeful but prudent.
4. What about emerging markets? Can we or our clients realize strong revenue growth there?
Absolutely. Emerging markets, though growing more slowly today, still present enormous growth opportunities for companies around the world.
5. What do you envision yourself contributing to our firm’s global success?
The world’s had a lot of Eeyore lately; we need a lot more Tigger. Your ability to drive dynamism and growth is really high—you don’t have to know all the answers, just be willing to try. Craft your own inspiring story with guidance from the CDO and from others in the Tuck community.