Guest Contributor

Dec 11, 2012

It’s ski season (almost)!

It's finals week, which means the students have been busy at work preparing for exams.  So we leave...

Dec 7, 2012

Fall A & B: A Partner’s (and Family’s) Perspective

When applying to Tuck and during our weekend here for ASW, Zach and I were often told that the first...

Dec 3, 2012

Winter Boutique/Craft Sale

    Will and I live in Sachem Village, which is primarily graduate student housing located about 1 mile down Main...

Nov 30, 2012


We got our first real snowfall last night-- light flurries overnight that accumulated to just an inch or two of...

Nov 26, 2012

Shopping in the area

"The nearest Target is an hour away, and the nearest Bed Bath and Beyond is an hour and fifteen minutes!!"...

Nov 19, 2012

Partner groups, clubs, and activities

Tuckies are pretty awesome, but let's be honest... so are Tuck Partners (TPs).   They continue to impress...

Nov 18, 2012


The temperatures are dropping.  We had our first "snow" a week or two ago-- it was too warm to...

Nov 14, 2012

Tripod Hockey: not just for students!

I think it's accurate to say that most of us had never played ice hockey before Tuck, yet it'...

Nov 13, 2012

Living in Hanover: Indoor Play (or, keeping the kiddoes busy when it’s too cold to play outside)

The weather has held up well enough so far this year (it was sunny and in the 60's yesterday!) so...