Jul 25, 2017

4 Ways to Connect with Tuck

As our website eloquently says, "at Tuck, stories of community support are the rule, not the exception. You see it every day: a meal shared with classmates, an impromptu meeting with a professor, downtime in Stell Hall, or a personal—and moving—Tuck Talks event." This also leads to unprecedented access to classmates, staff, faculty, visiting executives, and alumni. Our community is unlike any other and you can start experiencing it right now.

1) Talk to an admissions representative, student, or alum at an off-campus event, right in your neighborhood. Last year, we hosted or attended around 250 off-campus events ranging from informal coffee chats, Tuck specific information sessions, and MBA fairs. Join us at an event near you!

2) Though nothing beats a face-to-face interaction, we know that’s not always feasible. Our online events provide a great opportunity to learn about Tuck from the comfort of...anywhere! We offer several online Q&A sessions and informational webinars across many platforms. Use this page to decide which work best for you.

3) As always, one of the best ways to really get to know Tuck is to talk to someone who’s experienced it. Tuck Connections matches your profile with that of a similar student or alum. Once matched, a Tuckie will connect with you via email enabling you to get their perspective on the things you feel are important when choosing an MBA program.

Similarly, we encourage you to reach out to student ambassadors, student-led club co-chairs, and Center & Initiative Fellows. This is a great way to connect with someone who shares your interests.

4) The best way for us to get to know each other? Come to Hanover, NH and experience Tuck for yourself. Initiate an admissions interview (the only way to guarantee time in front of an admissions rep), have lunch with current students, tour Tuck’s campus, and get all your questions answered by an admissions officer.

Even outside of the scheduled visit day, just being a part of our community for a few hours is a valuable resource as you complete your application and ultimately, decide which school you want to be a part of for the next two years and the rest of your life as an alum.

So pick one, pick two, or better yet, do all four! We add new events all the time so keep checking in. And of course, keep reading Tuck 360!