
Helping Nepal Harness its Power

It’s one of the many paradoxes of Nepal. Less than 40 percent of the country’s 27 million people have access to electricity, yet the nation possesses the resources to generate an estimated 40 times current electrical demand there. For Antonio Del Valle T’11, it was this dichotomy that drew him to the impoverished south Asian nation on a Tuck GIVES-sponsored summer internship.

Nov 19, 2010

Tuck Student Takes on Antarctica

In November 2011, Richard Smith T’11 plans to spend some 70 days on the world’s most inhospitable continent, pulling a 100-pound sled 600 miles by ski from the west side of the Foundation Ice Stream to the South Pole. It’s all part of an expedition called Polar Vision.

Nov 18, 2010

Well Connected

At LinkedIn, Leela Srinivasan T'06 is helping corporate recruiters find top talent.

Nov 16, 2010

Good Spirits

The New York-based Brooklyn Distilling Company, launched by Joe Santos T'00, recently debuted its first offering, Brooklyn Gin.

Nov 16, 2010

Sydney Finkelstein on BP’s Missteps

There’s no silver lining to a disaster as shocking and immense as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But as with any major mistake by a corporation, says management professor Sydney Finkelstein, there are many lessons to be learned in its wake.

Nov 02, 2010

Business and Society

An environmentalist who had been working in land-conservation issues, Katherine Birnie T’07 wanted to attend business school to learn management skills and better understand the competing interests around land use. Tuck set her on a new career path. “It was incredibly valuable to explore how sustainability gets put into practice in the business world.”

Oct 18, 2010