Sep 25, 2014

On MBA Rankings

As application season gets underway so does the annual round of rankings of business schools. These rankings have become a fixture in the MBA world and lots of consultants and analysts have written about the usefulness of rankings and their methodologies. I thought it might be interesting to hear from someone who deals with both the inner workings of the rankings and their results. As Assistant Dean, one of my responsibilities is working with the publications that do the rankings, providing information and data and delving into the methodologies they use.

There are five major rankings that most applicants are aware of and may look at when considering MBA programs: Business Week, The Economist, US News & World Report, Forbes, and the Financial Times. Two of the rankings, The Economist and the Financial Times provide an international ranking where U.S. and international schools are ranked together. Business Week and US News do a separate ranking for international schools and Forbes only covers US schools.

The rankings listed above rank full-time MBA programs rather than the business schools per se. However, the overall reputation of a business school as a whole clearly has an impact of these rankings.

Each of the rankings seeks to measure different aspects of business schools and their MBA programs but the most important distinction among them I think is their source of information: statistical data or survey-based “opinions.”

Forbes and the Financial Times use primarily hard data collected from MBA alumni and the schools themselves. Business Week bases its rankings almost exclusively on opinions of students and corporate recruiters. US News and the Economist use a balance of hard data and opinion.

The usefulness to individual applicants of rankings based on hard data depends heavily on: (1) which data the ranking chooses to include (e.g., the FT includes lots of data designed to measure how “global” a program is while US News puts an emphasis on student quality and selectivity) and (2) how carefully the ranking publication defines (e.g., simply asking for the percentage of international students versus specifying how to categorize permanent residents and dual nationals) and checks the data (e.g., US News sends us back an analysis of this year’s data versus last year’s highlighting big differences and the FT visits schools periodically to do an audit).

The value of opinion-based rankings vary based on: (1) the selection of the group asked to give opinions (HR directors of companies that recruit MBAs in general versus managers who actually recruit at the various school or current students versus alumni) and (2) the way survey questions are crafted.

So, as you look at the various rankings think about the kind of information they are based on and what that indicates about the relevance of their conclusions to your choice of program.