Jul 25, 2014

Getting ready to hit the road!

In just about one week, the admissions team will hit the road for the start of the recruiting season.  While part of me is wondering where on Earth the summer has gone, the other part is getting really excited as I start to make my travel reservations.  Admissions travel is a lot of fun, because we get to go out and meet so many interesting and accomplished prospective students, reconnect with alumni, and we get to talk about something we are truly passionate about . . . Tuck!  I started counting how many cities our team will be visiting this season and lost track.  Chances are though; we are coming to a city near you!  Some events will be fairs, others small coffees, and a large number will be Tuck receptions where we bring together prospective students with Tuck alums who will share their Tuck experiences.  All of these events are a great way to learn more about Tuck, and I encourage you to attend.  You can check out exactly where we will be and register to attend an event by visiting our website.  I look forward to meeting you on the road!