By Kiley Winsnes T'16
Kiley is a first-year student at Tuck. Before arriving in Hanover, she was living in stunning San Francisco and working for an integration software company. Originally from Chicago, Kiley spent her formative years in Seattle before chasing the California sunshine for her undergraduate degree in economics and religious studies. After Tuck, she hopes to get a job that combines two of her passions: fitness and technology. Outside of the classroom, Kiley enjoys running, road biking, writing, and the beverages of her two home cities: coffee and wine. Kiley can be contacted at Follow her on Twitter at @kileywins.
Why should you attend Admitted Students Weekend (ASW)?
1.) You’re not sure if Tuck is the right school for you.
I know—really starting off on a creative foot here. But seriously, let’s not ignore the obvious reason for attending any admitted student event: to decide if the school is the right place for you. Whether you’re leaning toward Tuck or (sadly, for me) away from it, ASW is worth the trip and the time. An MBA is not a small investment, so why not do your due diligence? Even if you think you’re set on another school, visiting all of your options is still a good idea. If it changes your mind, fantastic. If not, you can make your decision with confidence. That’s what we call a win-win. You wouldn’t buy a Lamborghini (I like to be aspirational in my metaphors) without a test drive, would you? So why not invest a weekend to come and kick the tires on Tuck (see what I did there)?
2.) You’re not sure if Hanover is the right place for you.
If I wasn’t able to convince you with my blog post last fall, you need to come see this place for yourself. I understand the concern: Hanover is a small town. No one is denying that, but I can say it’s pretty unique as far as small towns go. (Trust me, people, my mom is from Wisconsin. I know small towns.).
If your concern is about recruiting in a place far from a city, our Career Development Office will prove to you it’s not an issue. We bring so many companies and executives on campus that the only thoughts you’ll have about location is gratitude that you don’t have to deal with NYC or Boston traffic on your way to an interview.
If your concern is about small-town life, a weekend in Hanover will prove to you that this is an adorable, vibrant place, with great dining options, breathtaking (no, literally, I gasp sometimes) natural beauty, and access to more outdoor activities than any human could possibly take advantage of.
In case I’m coming off too biased, I will temper my enthusiasm with one comment about what you may miss in Hanover: shopping. I know, how *ever* will you survive for nine months without access to a mall? (Hint: it starts with an “A” and ends with “”)
3.) You’re not sure if an MBA is right for you.
Maybe you’re one of those folks who applied to schools not 100 percent sure you even wanted to go. Maybe your company has offered you a pretty sweet promotion/raise/new office if you stay. Maybe you recently visited the website that outlines tuition costs and laughed, out loud, at your previous self’s decision to spend that much money. All completely fair possibilities.
The great thing about ASW is that it’s non-binding. If you’re having doubts, come anyway. What better chance is there to spend a weekend surrounded by people who have been exactly where you are now? We’ll have plenty of Tuck alums who can help answer the classic “So, was it worth it?” question so many admitted students have. I’m not one of those people who thinks an MBA is right for everyone, but I do think if you’ve gotten this far in the process, you owe it to yourself to investigate the option as much as possible and make an informed decision. And that's exactly what ASW is here to help you do.
4.) Your partner’s not sure if Tuck/Hanover/an MBA is right for the two of you.
Maybe you’re not the only one who will be affected by your decision to come to Tuck. Maybe your husband/wife/partner/children/sibling/aunt/best friend/dog will also be coming along with you. Awesome! But, of course, that means convincing that person/those people/that four-legged friend that Tuck and Hanover are the right place for them for two years, too. There are a ton of factors that go into that decision, but I think your TP (“Tuck Partner.” See? They even get an awesome acronym!) will be pleasantly surprised by the community they’ll be joining. ASW will offer great chances for potential TPs to meet with current TPs, attend panels about finding employment, life at Tuck, life with kids at Tuck (Tiny Tuckies! They have a name, too!), housing in the Upper Valley, and more.
5.) You want to have an amazing weekend.
Free April 17th and 18th? Want to get out of the city? Meet some cool new people? Eat delicious food and have fantastic conversations? Perfect. We want that for you, too. Come join us at ASW. It’s going to be an incredible weekend: the first taste of your two incredible years here at Tuck. (Slightly presumptuous of me? Don’t care. After ASW, you’ll see that I’m right.)
*Note from Admissions: Regardless of where you are in the application process, we encourage everyone to experience the Tuck community in person. As a prospective student, you can interview, tour the campus, attend classes, have lunch with students, and talk to an admissions officer. Even if you aren't sure about applying to Tuck, visit us anyway! In the spring, we encourage you to come and get a feel for life at Tuck without participating in an evaluative interview.
That said, we believe that strong interpersonal skills are essential for success as a leader and a team member. Accordingly, admissions interviews play a critical role in the evaluation process and give us a more complete understanding of you as a candidate. Although visits are not a required component of the application, we strongly recommend that all applicants (including reapplicants and international applicants) schedule an interview on campus during the admissions cycle in which they are applying.
(Photo above of the ASW co-chairs, from left: Kiley Winsnes T'16, Kate Landry T'16, Sebastian Restrepo T'16, and Kat Carmody T'16.)