Most (if not all) partners left Hanover for the July 4th holiday to visit their students. It's somewhat of a midpoint for internships (maybe a little early), and this year it fell on a Thursday, so it made for an easy long weekend trip for those of us with full-time jobs. I headed west to Denver to visit Will.
Here's what our weekend looked like:
When I got back, I saw some new posts on the facebook group, announcing the arrival of some T' and TP'15s -- couldn't believe the next class is already moving in! That week some TP'14s organized an impromptu dinner at Murphy's with some new T'15s/TP'15s in town; after dinner we continued the evening sitting in the rockers on my porch, sipping beer and wine, talking about how fun this next year is going to be and answering new-to-the-area questions. So great to get to know some newcomers, but simultaneously sobering (no pun intended) to think that one year ago, most of us hadn't even moved to Hanover yet, and in a year, we'll probably be moved out. Our time here is so quick :(
This past weekend I stuck around home; there happened to be tons of Tuckies in town for the weekend. I discovered (via friends, who took me to) two new dog-friendly parks/trails--Kilowatt Park (just over the river in VT) and Mink Brook Trail (in Hanover) --both of which have areas on the Connecticut River we can swim; Honey and I will be back often this summer. We then had a Sunday Funday: grilled out, played cornhole, pong, etc. Great little relaxing Sunday.
T'14 friends just adopted a puppy (who also enjoyed Sunday Funday with us), so we spent a lot of time loving on her!
Last week I had the opportunity for another Upper Valley first: flying in a teeny tiny airplane from Lebanon Airport (10min drive from our apartment in Sachem Village) to a business meeting in New York City. Great views of the area! But not for the faint of heart.
Last night was International Tuck 'Tails (get it--cocktails with Tuckies). Hosted by Alumni Services, T'14 Social Chairs, T'14 Quality of Life Chair, and Tuck City Representatives, incoming, current, and alumni Tuckies met in 30 cities around the U.S. and world to party on the same day (Will attended Denver's TuckTails with the two other T'14s interning there this summer, plus several Tuck alumni, including Will's boss and some employees at Nick's company, among many others). Ours was hosted at Murphy's (where else) on Main Street in Hanover. I realized there are even more T'15s and partners in town (I suspect that will continue to be the case with every passing week!). It was fun to chat with some new T'15s; there are 6 MD/MBAs in the class of 2015, and it was really interesting to hear their paths to business school and post-grad plans; some plan to practice medicine, others might recruit in the fall. I also met more new partners, and TP'14s and I were able to clue them in to some partner "activities" coming up (several local Tuckies are going to the Harpoon Championships of New England Barbecue next weekend, book club meets again in a few weeks, etc.)
Next weekend, a T'14 and I plan to head up to Burlington, VT for an overnight with some classmates and partners interning/living there for the summer (the proud new parents of the aforementioned puppy!) I fully plan to take a dip in Lake Champlain. Then we're into August! Yikes.