…one great example is Tuck Gives. For those of you unfamiliar to what Tuck Gives is, it is a student run organization that raises money for Tuckies looking to intern in the nonprofit sector. Basically, the community comes together so our classmates can do great things in the world and…
Apr 18, 2012…in the midst of Tuck Gives, a week-long fundraising effort to support non-profit/public sector internships for my classmates. It’s amazing how generous the whole community is—from donating handmade craft items (like custom Tuck coasters, a knitted Tuck shield) to donations of time (a squash lesson, playing basketball with a core…
Apr 18, 2013…also provided funding through Tuck GIVES, a community wide fundraiser that has supported 135 interns to work in 74 different organizations around the world. Check out recent internships in social impact, education, and environment as well as other Center initiatives on their blog. One such internship stemmed from a T'15's…
Jun 17, 2014…summer, with support from Tuck GIVES, I interned at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Perioperative Services, learning a tremendous amount about how a hospital functions. My department was responsible for the operations and administration of in-patient and ambulatory surgery, with a daily volume of approximately 150 surgical cases. In…
Aug 15, 2016…to the week of Tuck Gives is a spectacular example of seamless participation. Tuck Gives Sixteen years ago, two Tuckies created a fund to support summer internships with nonprofit or public sector organizations. Now we raise money to supplement the compensation the nonprofit/public sector employers would be able to pay…
Apr 18, 2012…thanks to support from Tuck GIVES. MVF is an impact fund that invests in Maine-based startups that generate economic activity for the state. In addition to working on fund-related activities for MVF, I was lucky enough to work on a project with one of their portfolio companies, Atlantic Sea Farms…
Dec 01, 2021…with the support of Tuck GIVES, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity! The Tuck GIVES fund supports Tuck students' summer internships with nonprofit or public sector organizations. Each year, the Tuck community gathers to raise funds predominantly through a silent and live auction. Tuck Gives is student-organized with…
Jan 18, 2022…Without funding support from Tuck GIVES, I would not have been able to take it. TNC Maine wanted my help evaluating electronic monitoring solutions of commercial fisheries, primarily focused on the groundfish industry off the coast of Maine. Monitoring of commercial fisheries is essential to maintaining sustainable fish populations. How…
Jan 04, 2022…summer, with help from Tuck GIVES, I interned at NPR in Washington, D.C. as a consultant in the office of the COO. It was far and away the most rewarding experience I could have asked for in a summer internship. The work I did was challenging and meaningful. I learned…
Oct 03, 2016…I received from the Tuck Gives, I was able to generate an impact on the people who need help the most. The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS), a D.C. based public-private partnership, is catalyzing and coordinating a coherent global strategy to end modern slavery. Partnering with global and…
Sep 19, 2018…developed at Bridgespan and Tuck. With many thanks to Tuck GIVES, I hope to continue my work with Save the Children throughout the academic year as I finish my MBA/MPH (and for years after!).
Sep 28, 2016…perhaps what I’m most grateful for. Many thanks to Tuck GIVES, my classmates, family, RMPBN, and the Center for Business, Government, & Society for making this experience possible!
Sep 21, 2016…good life.” Thanks to Tuck GIVES and the Tuck community for its generous support of students (like me) who pursue less traditional internships in the social sector. Without them, my summer would have been a lot less impactful and interesting. MAIN PHOTO ABOVE: The IC MBA fellows, celebrating the Fourth…
Sep 07, 2016