Venise Crawford T'24

“With confident humility, I feel more secure in my ability to lead with vulnerability and ask the right questions.”

Read My Story

I chose to pursue an MBA to make a 180-degree career pivot. With no business experience, I knew an MBA would provide me with the analytical and leadership skills necessary for this transition. Initially, I thought I may be well suited to a traditional consulting path. However, once I arrived at Tuck, I discovered that my interests lie in the retail and consumer goods sectors. My strategy internship at New Balance confirmed that this was the right industry for me, and I am eager to embark on my post-graduate career there.

A few concrete reasons drove me to pursue an MBA at Tuck. Through conversations with alumni and research of past classes' career outcomes, I was confident that I could achieve my career goals here. Additionally, I knew that going to Tuck and living in the Upper Valley would be an immersive experience. Coming from LA, a city vastly different from Hanover, I found this particularly appealing. Lastly, I was drawn to Tuck’s general management program. As someone without a business background, I appreciated how, in my first year, I would receive a strong business foundation, and in my second year be able to explore electives aligned with my interests. From the first virtual information session I attended as a prospective student to this moment, just days away from graduation, the Tuck community has proven to be supportive, encouraging, and appropriately challenging.

One undeniable highlight of my Tuck experience was attending the Global Insight Expedition (GIX) in Stockholm, Sweden. The trip topic covered lifestyle branding, sustainability, and gender equity, led by Professor Hanne Pico Larsen. Through this experience, I learned about Swedish culture, visited various Swedish companies, and strengthened relationships with fellow Tuckies. Because of my interest in retail, I found this trip especially rewarding.

Another highlight was attending Tuck Black Ski (TBS) as a first-year and planning the trip as a second-year. While planning TBS as a second year was one of the most stressful endeavors I’ve taken on, it was also one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had at Tuck, or elsewhere. Throughout the process, I bonded with my fellow BSAT co-chairs and felt a sense of accomplishment in organizing a trip that Black MBA students from across the country could enjoy. Coming together to celebrate Black excellence, all while enjoying time on the slopes, is a uniquely affirming experience I was happy to help create.

Each year BSAT hosts a Fall Cabin Night at Mt. Moosilauke. It is a cherished tradition and one of the first opportunities we have to gather off-campus, get to know each other, and bond as a group. The night includes games, campfires, a family-style dinner at the lodge, and an early morning hike. Being able to go to Moosilauke, just an hour away, and enjoy cozy cabin vibes in the fall is an unmatched experience that you can't get at most business schools. Tuck’s location enables these unique bonding experiences. As someone born and raised in a major city (Los Angeles, CA), I was drawn to Tuck’s location for this very reason.

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