Santiago Gutierrez Zaldivar T'15

“A Tuck MBA is the door to an exciting life and a different and promising future.”

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Tuck is a place where you—and your family—are fully immersed in the experience of the MBA. I’m married with two children and couldn’t find any MBA program that comes close to how spectacular Tuck is for families. You can live in a place like Sachem Village, which is a small area of houses for Dartmouth grad students, within two blocks of your friends. Plus, there are countless events for Tiny Tuckies as well as professional, educational, and social opportunities for partners. Tuck is a family experience and none of us want to leave!


One of my favorite Tuck experiences was traveling to Abu Dhabi and Dubai with Diederik Vandewalle, an amazing professor. He made it possible for us to go deep into companies, government institutions, and sovereign funds of other nations to study their strategic thinking. At Tuck itself, I really enjoyed the tradition of our barbecue, Argentino Asado, which commemorates Argentina’s May revolution. It’s fantastic to see how the entire Tuck community—students, partners, children, staff, faculty, everyone—gathers together around cultural experiences like that.


The quality of visiting executive events at Tuck is huge. Recently, for example, the CEO of the largest hedge fund in the world gave a talk and then had lunch with students. Soak up as much exposure as you can by going to these talks, lunches, dinners, and office hours. Listen to their leadership experiences and ask questions. By the end of your two years here, you’ll have a very deep sense of what and how the greatest minds in the world think, and what goes into their decisions.


Tuck encourages you to live an interesting life. Being here means that you and your family will have a full, fascinating experience that opens your eyes to countless opportunities. At Tuck you learn for life: You develop business acumen, acquire an unparalleled network, strengthen your interpersonal skill set, and commit to the challenge of making the world a better place.

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