Mark Noble T'21

“Tuck enabled me to craft a highly personalized path to launch my career in Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition.”

Read My Story

My reasons for pursuing an MBA were threefold: (1) make a full leap into entrepreneurship, (2) round out my marketing skill set with a general management foundation, and (3) gain and learn from inspiring friends from all around the world.

I chose Tuck because of the people. Period. I was fortunate to work with graduates of many renowned MBA programs while at Amazon; all of these colleagues were exceptionally smart, but Tuckies distinctly stood out because of their consistent, authentic care and kindness, and because of how they lit up when they described their MBA experience. I knew this was the community I had to be a part of.

One of the highlights of my Tuck experience has been the family-like relationships built with classmates, Tuck Partners, and Tiny Tuckies. From being blessed with the best next-door neighbors, attending and hosting dozens of dinners, racing bicycles with (and always losing to) the many Tiny Tuckies we love so much, to gaining the nickname "Mr. Marky Poo,” I’ll always look back fondly on these memories and be grateful for my friends that turned into family.

Tuck’s learning environment is immersive. Tuck is not a commuter school where students can go through the experience anonymously or retreat back to their old friend groups after class. Each student is here intentionally and uniquely contributes to the Tuck fabric. Learning takes place 24/7 and extends far beyond the classroom. As my friend Teo Gonzalez T’21 puts it, Tuckies are “all-in.”

Tuck is a special place to pursue entrepreneurship. The program’s small scale and supremely supportive community empowered me to chart my own entrepreneurial path. Staff and faculty partnered closely with me at every turn providing generous, individualized attention and feedback—a huge thank you to Daniella Reichstetter T’07, Eileen O’Toole TP’14, and Steve Kahl at the Center for Entrepreneurship, and Jim Feuille at the Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital.

The Upper Valley is a beautiful place to live with vibrant seasons and convenient access to the great outdoors. With hiking trails that lead to Boston Lot Lake right behind our home in Sachem Village, multiple ski resorts less than an hour away, famous New Hampshire and Vermont foliage during the Fall, and the Connecticut and White Rivers flowing nearby, there is no shortage of opportunities to get outside and take advantage of our surroundings. My wife, two close friends, and I were even lucky enough to witness Mink—a legendary local black bear (RIP)—and her cubs from a safe distance one sunny afternoon.

If Tuck’s culture, scale, and location resonate with you, I believe there is no better MBA experience in the world. My advice to prospective students is to tell your authentic story, reflect on how you can uniquely contribute to the Tuck community, and not to give up if things don’t work out the first time around. I am a waitlister and reapplicant. I knew Tuck was the right fit for me and persisting through the application process was unequivocally worth it. My advice to incoming students is to be true to yourself. Stop to think holistically about what’s important to you and what will make you happy before defaulting to the most popular and prestigious career paths. Leave room to explore and take risks—and enjoy the ride!

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