Lindsey D. Windham T'15

“Tuck strengthened my business intuition, imbued me with confidence to lead, and inspired me to make a major career transition.”

Read My Story


For the past five years, education reform was my life. I came to Tuck not to leave education and the public sector for good, but to garner experience that would make me more impactful in the future. Tuck has been a great place to explore new careers and industries because of the way my experience here has built my confidence in my business intuition and analytical ability. My next role, in the private sector, will allow me to put these new skills to use so I can truly be equipped to contribute to education reform later in my career at a higher level. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished at Tuck and what it means for my ultimate impact on the world.


Being president of the Women in Business club was meaningful because I could directly apply what I was learning in my leadership classes, like Leadership Out of the Box with Ella Bell Smith and the Psychology of Strategic Leadership with Giovanni Gavetti. Another highlight was being a vocalist in the Tuck Band. Exploring the parts of my personality that love performing, music, and the arts while serving the school was incredibly fun and gratifying.


One of my most fulfilling learning experiences at Tuck was in Mergers & Acquisitions with Karin Thorburn. I didn’t have any exposure to corporate finance before the fall core, so I told her very early that I was a little anxious about engaging with the material. I learned more than I expected because of her support, enthusiasm, and commitment to my success in the class.


Tuck provides an opportunity for unparalleled growth as you determine what you want to commit your life and career to doing. Even if you think you already know, come to Tuck willing to evolve throughout the two years you’re here. Let go, be flexible, explore, and trust Tuck’s process!

Discover Your Path