Katherine Gray T'15

“The personalized approach of the Career Development Office and the Tuck network were instrumental in helping me switch careers.”

Read My Story


Because I was coming from a liberal arts educational background, had taken very few quantitative classes in college, and was in a job that did not require me to do any analysis, I was looking for a program that would provide academic balance. Tuck’s core curriculum and general management focus provided me the strong foundation of business principles that I knew I needed to achieve my career goals.


I knew that business school would be an incredible opportunity for me to push myself both professionally and personally; I wanted an environment and community where I would be supported and championed as I challenged myself to go outside my comfort zone. I wanted to leave an MBA not with a bunch of acquaintances, but with many strong friendships and deep relationships. Tuck was exactly what I was looking for.


My classmates have been the best part of my experience. Every day I am inspired by what they have already achieved, what they are trying to achieve, and the attitude they have. My friends at Tuck come from such diverse backgrounds and have such different experiences, but what they have in common is that they are all smart, passionate, good people who have taught me a lot about leadership and humility.


The connections I have made here not only helped me take my next professional step, but will also help with all subsequent progressions in my career. I am fully confident that I will reach out to my Tuck network in years to come when I want advice about taking a job offer, a direction I think my company should take, a partner to build a great idea with, or just a friend to grab a drink with after work.


“Know thyself.” Spend time thinking about why you are coming to Tuck, and make a list of those specific objectives and goals. It can be anything from “become comfortable with accounting” to “have a meal with at least five CEOs in this industry” to “invite someone I do not know well to get a beer at Murphy’s at least once a month.” Your list can change as you learn of new opportunities or reprioritize, but having it will help you stay focused on your true goals. Your Tuck experience goes by so quickly that it is important to spend your time purposefully.


The personalized approach of the Career Development Office (CDO) and the Tuck network were instrumental in helping me switch careers. I knew coming into Tuck that I loved my project management roles and was interested in tech. I wanted to combine those interests so I had weekly one-on-one meetings with the CDO. They not only helped me think generally about career paths that best suited me and my goals, but also helped me take action reaching out to alumni. Lizzie Napier T’91, a CDO career coach, was especially helpful, giving me mock interviews and pep talks before every round. Her cheerleading and support gave me the confidence I needed to secure my perfect internship for the summer at a young tech company in Boston—where I will return after I graduate!

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