Katherine Britt T'21

“My Tuck experience gave me clarity on who I am and how I want to show up—as a leader, colleague, friend, neighbor.”

Read My Story

My professional background prior to Tuck was in mission-driven organizations experiencing significant change—operational, financial, and even structural with facilities. Working in development during capital campaigns exposed me to relationship-driven partnerships and funding structures, and the critical need for creative problem solving amidst limited resources and unexpected change. I also had a front-row seat to organizations trying to scale efficiently without compromising the experiences and services provided to the community. Reflecting on my future, I realized that to be an executive leader creating sustainable, positive change, I would need to build my business acumen. An MBA was the critical bridge from where I was to where I wanted to be.

After spending four years at a small liberal arts college in New England (Amherst College), I felt immediately at ease when visiting Tuck. I understood the power of a smaller community that includes not only the students, but also engaged faculty, administrators, staff, and alumni. The prospect of developing deep friendships as well as meaningful relationships with faculty was a key differentiator for Tuck. Alumni and current students were earnest, generous, and enthusiastic with me before I even applied! People are Tuck’s greatest asset and for someone who is relationship-driven, I couldn’t wait to join this community.

Tuck offers its students a comprehensive first-year core academic experience that each individual can then build on in a way that distinctively elevates her skills, interests, and aspirations. Be it club leadership, center fellowships, writing a case with a professor, hiking with friends, or creating something completely new—you customize and co-create your experience in everything you do. At Tuck, no two MBAs are alike and that’s why transformational experiences happen here.

My most impactful and influential experiences at Tuck came from opportunities that allowed me to collaborate and build with peers, faculty, and deans alike. Alongside a group of extraordinary women classmates and in partnership with Dia Draper, assistant dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I had the opportunity to co-create Next50—a student-led initiative to advocate for more case protagonist diversity in the cases taught at Tuck. The Next50 Founding Fellows have been organizing, mobilizing, and creating buy-in that will achieve sustainable and impactful change for the Tuck community. Additionally, my independent study under Dean Matthew Slaughter and Professor Ella Bell allowed me to research and write about the next generation of change-leaders tackling the harmful divisiveness throughout American society—a project that is simultaneously inspiring and humbling. Both these experiences made me realize that I am energized when leading and contributing to change that builds and elevates more inclusive communities. With this, I am looking forward with a clarified focus on how I can continue to amplify positive change across levels of society and within business contexts. 

I am constantly in awe of how invested and engaged Tuck faculty are in students’ successes. During my first year, both my core professors in Strategy (Professor Giovanni Gavetti) and Marketing (Professor Ellie Kyung) took the time to advise me on recruiting interview prep as well as evaluating my offer options and discussing my evolving career goals. Through my electives, I have had the great fortune of building a relationship with Professor Ella Bell, who has mentored me with both professional advice and personal wisdom. The faculty at Tuck go above and beyond in how they show up for their students, and I appreciate it every day.

When you apply to Tuck, you hear a lot about how remarkable the alumni network is. Then you arrive and see firsthand that it is real. I was blown away at how generous and approachable Tuck alumni were across companies, seniority, and industries (I recruited for athletic retail and technology my first-year). Every single Tuckie I reached out to made time for me and ensured that I was well-informed and positioned for applications, interviews, or offer decisions. The alumni network is an extension of Tuck’s distinctively relationship-driven culture—something that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

One of my priorities when coming to Tuck was to get outdoors. During my second-year fall, a classmate and I became close friends during our standing weekly Friday (the joys of an MBA schedule!) hikes throughout the region—the season culminating with Franconia Ridge. I spent my winters experimenting with both downhill skiing at Killington and cross-country skiing in Woodstock, Lyme, and Hanover. Tuck students have the entire range of experience and interests with outdoor activities, so I loved how I could learn from my peers and stretch myself while enjoying being outside.

It’s never too early to start reflecting on who you are now, who you want to be, and how Tuck is the unique bridge that will get you there. Understand that Tuck and its community is ready to partner with you on your journey, and with that, reciprocity is part of the chemistry that makes this place remarkable. Ask yourself, how will I contribute to Tuck? How will I support and elevate the interests of my peers? What will I be remembered for? Then, show up with a willingness and enthusiasm to learn, stretch, and grow, knowing that the Tuck community will be supporting you every step of the way.

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