
Jul 03, 2021

‘Dear Pandemic’ Co-founder and Tuck Professor Reflects on a Year of Offering Reliable Information

A feature story about Lindsey Leininger and Dear Pandemic—an all-woman team of researchers and clinicians co-founded by Leininger that has been combatting misinformation about COVID-19 throughout the pandemic.

Jul 03, 2021

MBAs to Watch: Class of 2021

Highlights T’21s Jessica Ahn and Roderick Milligan in Poets&Quants’ annual list of MBAs to Watch from the class of 2021.

Jul 02, 2021

Who Can Defeat an Undefeatable Leader?

Mentions research by Sydney Finkelstein in an opinion piece examining the pitfalls that can befall powerful business leaders.

Jul 01, 2021

What Corporations Need to Do, Internally and Externally, to Address Social Equity

A feature interview with Ella L.J. Bell Smith examining how to make companies accountable for their equity goals externally and internally, as well as the kind of measurements that can track the private sector’s involvement in social justice.

Jun 28, 2021

COVID Cases Are Down but So Are Vaccinations, Leading to Fears of Another Surge

Lindsey Leininger joins Minnesota Public Radio to discuss the latest COVID-19 developments, including vaccination rates across the United States and the delta variant.

Jun 25, 2021

5 Successful Shark Tank Entrepreneurs with MBAs

Highlights Sarah Apgar T’11, founder and CEO of FitFighter, who appeared on Shark Tank in 2020 and accepted a deal with Daniel Lubetzky, founder and executive chairman of snack company Kind.

Jun 25, 2021

Remote Teams Can Thrive but Need to Fail Faster

Mentions Vijay Govindarajan and his strategy for innovation, the Three-Box Solution, in an article about lessons that can be learned from remote work during the pandemic.

Jun 25, 2021

Teneo’s Declan Kelly, Crisis Manager for CEOs, Faces His Own Crisis

Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Declan Kelly, CEO of Teneo Holdings.

Jun 24, 2021

Coping with COVID and Online Learning

Mentions Vijay Govindarajan in an article about how Great Lakes Institute of Management adjusted to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jun 24, 2021

Resist Old Routines When Returning to Campus

Vijay Govindarajan and coauthors pen an article examining what lessons universities should take from the pandemic when returning to in-person instruction.

Jun 22, 2021

Why Do Some Incidents of Sexual Misconduct Go Unreported? It’s Complicated

A feature story about research by Ing-Haw Cheng and coauthor Alice Hsiaw that uses game theory to model the incentives and disincentives associated with reporting sexual misconduct.

Jun 18, 2021

From Lower West Side to CEO: Yancey Spruill Rises from Buffalo Roots

A feature story about Yancey Spruill T’97, CEO of DigitalOcean.

Jun 18, 2021

Indian-Origin Execs Lead 60 Billion Dollar Companies Abroad

Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about the numerous Indian executives leading prominent companies around the world.

Jun 17, 2021

Should We Ban Gasoline Cars?

Erin Mansur and coauthors provide a framework for assessing costs and benefits, elucidating key unknown parameters, and designing effective policies to discourage the use of gasoline.

Jun 17, 2021

COVID Restrictions Remain despite New CDC Guidance; Will Trump Get a Book Deal?

Lindsey Leininger joins “The Donlon Report” to discuss changing COVID guidance and procedures and how to manage the transitional period of the pandemic.

Jun 17, 2021

How Corporate America Is Approaching Juneteenth, the Newest National Holiday

Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about corporate America’s approach to Juneteenth.

Jun 16, 2021

Hartford Hosts In-Person Juneteenth Celebration

Quotes Dia Draper in an article highlighting a Juneteenth Celebration that was co-sponsored by Tuck, the Town of Hartford, and the Hartford Committee on Racial Equity and Inclusion.

Jun 14, 2021

Temp Checks, Digital Menus and ‘Touchless’ Mustard: The Maddening Persistence of ‘Hygiene Theater’

Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article about the danger of hanging on to lockdown-era practices.

Jun 11, 2021

What’s the G-7? An International Economist Explains

An article by Emily Blanchard on the origin and relevance of the Group of Seven, an informal group of powerful democracies that includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Jun 10, 2021

From SurveyMonkey To Momentive: A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Relaunch Of A 20-Year-Old Tech Company

Leela Srinivasan T’06, CMO at Momentive, authors an article detailing the why and how of SurveyMonkey’s relaunch as Momentive.

Jun 10, 2021

Analysis: Bank of America Leaves Wall Street Wondering about Next CEO

Quotes Sydney Finkelstein in an article about Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan and the numerous considerations that will go into choosing his eventual successor.

Jun 09, 2021

What Top MBAs Make in Their First Jobs Out of School

Highlights Tuck in an article examining first-year compensation for MBA graduates. At Tuck, median total first-year compensation for the class of 2020 rose to a new high of $180,000.

Jun 09, 2021

MAKERS: Keep Going – Intersectionality

Ella Bell Smith joins Seneca Women’s Conversations on Power and Purpose podcast to discuss how companies can ensure they are addressing the specific needs of multicultural women and women of color.

Jun 08, 2021

U.S. Aims to Get China Out of the Supply Chain—And More Allies into It

Quotes Emily Blanchard in a piece about the Biden administration’s efforts to revamp the United States’ supply chain by including more allies like South Korea, Japan, and countries throughout Europe.

Jun 08, 2021

How to Deal With Uncertainty and Become More Resilient

Quotes Ellie Kyung in an article about how to better deal with uncertainty, particularly with health guidance changing rapidly as the pandemic eases in the United States.

Jun 03, 2021

Manufacturing Delays Mean Retailers May Consider Raising Prices

Features Emily Blanchard in a piece examining the potential ripple effect of delays and material shortages faced by manufacturers.

Jun 01, 2021

Women in Wellness: Sarah Apgar of FitFighter

A feature interview with Sarah Apgar T’11, founder and CEO of FitFighter, about her career, journey as an entrepreneur, and the mission behind FitFighter.

Jun 01, 2021

‘Balance of Power’ Full Show

Peter Fisher joins Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power” to discuss the latest U.S. economic data.

May 28, 2021

Vaccinated Consumers Will Fuel the Economy’s Boom Eventually—Just Not Quite Yet

Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article about the potential economic impact of fully vaccinated consumers.

May 27, 2021

How to Measure Inclusion in the Workplace

Lauren Romansky T’11and coauthors explore how companies can better measure inclusion and what pitfalls to avoid in the process.

May 27, 2021

World’s Poorest Nations Need International Support, Experts Tell Preparatory Committee

Features Emily Blanchard in an article highlighting a panel discussion at the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5).

May 26, 2021

Fourteen Inducted into AOM Fellows for 2021

Highlights Constance Helfat, who was selected as an Academy of Management Fellow for 2021.

May 25, 2021

The 2021 CNBC Disruptor 50: How We Chose the List of Companies

Mentions Ron Adner in an article about the 2021 CNBC Disrupter 50, an annual list identifying fast-growing, innovative startups on the path to becoming the next generation of great public companies.

May 24, 2021

Corporations Encourage Employee Vaccination, but Stop Short of Mandates

Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article about how employers are approaching vaccination for their workforces.

May 22, 2021

And It All Starts with ‘Dartmouth’: Brains, Talent, Investors Key Ingredients in Upper Valley Success

Features Jack O’Toole T’14, John Turbeville T’14, and Business Bridge graduate Jesse Laflamme in an article about the impact of Tuck and Dartmouth on Upper Valley businesses.

May 21, 2021

Life Is Almost Back to Normal… Except for Parents of Kids under 12

Features Lindsey Leininger in an article about the anxiety many parents of children under age 12 are facing as COVID restrictions are lifted across the country.