Deans from Top B-Schools Share 2021 Resolutions
Quotes Dean Matthew Slaughter in an article collecting New Year’s resolutions from top business school deans.
Quotes Dean Matthew Slaughter in an article collecting New Year’s resolutions from top business school deans.
Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article about delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine, and public enthusiasm for getting the vaccine once it is widely available.
An article about a potential “K-shaped” economic recovery that favors large companies highlights a Harvard Business Review article by Vijay Govindarajan examining the growing gap between small and large businesses.
Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article exploring how to motivate the general public about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
A feature story about new research from Adam Kleinbaum and coauthor Elena Obukhova examining how gender shapes networking behavior.
A feature story about Karana, a plant-based meat company co-founded by Blair Crichton T’18.
As a guest on MSNBC, Roger McNamee T’82, managing director of Elevation Partners, discusses new antitrust cases against Silicon Valley tech giants.
Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article exploring the impact public health orders had on the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan.
Quotes Dia Draper in an article collecting predictions from top business schools for the year ahead.
Lindsey Leininger joins “Vermont Viewpoint” to discuss recent news regarding COVID-19 vaccines and how the public can make informed decisions about the vaccines and coronavirus pandemic overall.
Vijay Govindarajan, and coauthors Shivaram Rajgopal, Anup Srivastava, and Luminita Enache, examine U.S. financial reporting and how it could be improved.
A roundup of the latest business school news highlights a recent Tuck news story exploring how Lindsey Leininger combined her passions of public health and data literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic to become an influential truth-teller.
Dean Matthew Slaughter examines the importance of basic research to a country’s economic health and the contrasting approaches to research exhibited by the United States and China.
Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and the future of higher learning in a post-pandemic world.
Roger McNamee T'82, managing director of Elevation Partners, examines the antitrust cases filed against Facebook, for Time.
Quotes Dan Richards T’03, CEO of Global Rescue, in an article exploring how to safely travel during the pandemic.
A feature story about Dear Pandemic—a team of women public health experts, including Tuck’s Lindsey Leininger, who have been combatting misinformation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by sharing evidence-based advice on social media.
A feature story about REsurety, led by CEO Lee Taylor T’10.
Quotes Roger McNamee T’82, managing director of Elevation Partners, in an article examining Facebook’s alleged anti-competitive behavior, which led to the filing of numerous antitrust lawsuits.
Vijay Govindarajan and coauthor Kapil Viswanathan examine generational changes to organizational culture, and how the pandemic has brought those changes into sharp focus.
Continued coverage of Tuck’s 2020 employment data. For the class of 2020, 94 percent received a job offer within three months after graduation while first-year total median compensation climbed to a new high of $180,000.
A feature story about Maze Therapeutics, led by CEO Jason Coloma T’07, and two joint ventures it pursued with BridgeBio Pharma and Alloy Therapeutics.
Quotes John McKinley, executive director of the Center for Business, Government & Society, Kurt Buchbinder T’21, and highlights the Tuck ESG Fund and Tuck Social Venture Fund.
Features Michael Sneed T’83, EVP of global corporate affairs & chief communication officer at Johnson & Johnson, who was elected to the PRWeek Hall of Fame this year.
Highlights Deirdre Findlay T’00, CMO of Condé Nast, in an article collecting advice from leading women in the field of marketing.
Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about the smaller, younger tech firms that are leading the pack in regards to compensation for H1-B visa holders.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about businesses using transparency and honesty in times of crisis.
In an interview with Forbes, Shannon Huffman Polson T’03 discusses her life, career, and new book The Grit Factor.
Features Jose Minaya T’00, CEO of Nuveen, in an article about the importance of alternative assets in helping investors reach their goals.
Kerry Laufer, Shannon McKeen T’91, and coauthor Michellana Jester illustrate how experiential learning programs can improve following disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quotes Lindsey Leininger in a piece about the lack of new economic relief measures as the COVID-19 pandemic persists.
A feature story about Outrider, founded and led by CEO Andrew Smith T’07.
In an opinion piece for Forbes, Grant Freeland explores why one of the keys to being a good consultant is having great clients.
An article exploring how business leaders can improve their organization’s culture amid a crisis highlights research by Sydney Finkelstein.
Quotes Akin Sawyerr T’03 in an article about Bitcoin’s success in Nigeria.
A feature story about Tuck’s 2020 employment data.