The Highest-Paying MBA Concentrations
Mentions Tuck as one of the top business schools at placing graduates in the consulting industry. Of the Tuck class of 2018, 34 percent accepted consulting positions.
Mentions Tuck as one of the top business schools at placing graduates in the consulting industry. Of the Tuck class of 2018, 34 percent accepted consulting positions.
Mentions anecdotes from Superbosses by Sydney Finkelstein.
Mentions Sydney Finkelstein’s research examining the best managers in the world, which found that great bosses often encourage the success of future waves of talent.
Quotes Ella Bell Smith in an article about Black Women's Equal Pay Day.
Vijay Govindarajan examines WeWork’s recent S-1 filing, which presented the firm as a technology company.
Quotes B. Espen Eckbo in an article about the Business Roundtable's new statement of purpose.
Highlights Tuck as one of the top MBA programs for placing graduates in the consulting industry.
As a guest on CNBC's "Squawk Box", Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses the trade war's economic impact.
A leadership strategy article about the need to take risks cites Sydney Finkelstein’s June 2019 article in Harvard Business Review.
Vijay Govindarajan writes about the widening gap between large and small companies and the future impact it could have on the economy.
Quotes Emily Blanchard in an article about the USMCA international trade agreement.
Mentions the Tuck Global Insight Expedition to Vietnam, during which Tuck students met Vietjet executives to study the business environment and success stories of leading enterprises.
Features Aisha Barry T’10, vice president and general manager of patient management at Medtronic, as one of the most influential women in corporate America.
Highlights Tuck as a top school for placing MBA students into finance roles. Of Tuck’s 2018 graduates, 22 percent accepted finance positions.
Highlights Tuck as one of the top business schools for placing students in the technology industry. Among 2018 Tuck graduates, 24 percent joined tech firms.
Mentions Tuck as a premiere MBA program for students interested in consulting or general management roles.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about former Victoria's Secret CMO Ed Razek.
Gail Goodman T'87, co-founder and chief product officer of Pepperlane, discusses her career on an episode of the VentureFizz podcast.
Highlights the Tuck Networking Hub—a new platform that enables alumni to opt-in to offer career mentorship to Tuck students and fellow alumni based on their industry and experience.
Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about the devaluation of the Chinese yuan against the U.S. dollar.
A feature story about the student-run Tuck Social Venture Fund.
Mentions data compiled by Kenneth French which found that the cheapest 30 percent of U.S. stocks outpaced the most expensive 30 percent.
Quotes Praveen Kopalle in an article about Amazon's new anticipatory shipping system.
Highlights research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French that helped popularize factor investing.
Peter Fisher discusses the Federal Bank, the state of the U.S. economy, the Bank of England, and more as a guest on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas."
Mentions a recent Wall Street Journal article written by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter examining how global trade tensions have impacted foreign investment in the United States.
Highlights research by Gordon Phillips exploring the impact changing jobs has on a worker’s wages.
Highlights Lauren Grewal in an article featuring her new research exploring why consumers are more likely to trust product reviews written from mobile devices.
Washington's move to push the World Trade Organization to reclassify Singapore as a developed country is unlikely to have a significant impact on Singapore's trading relations, explains Davin Chor.
Features Brian Melzer as Poets & Quants' Professor of the Week.
Tracy Sun T’05, co-founder and SVP of new markets at Poshmark, discusses the company’s push into offering home goods in addition to fashion.
An opinion piece by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter examining foreign direct investment into the United States.
Highlights research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French exploring the impact active management has on mutual fund returns.
Quotes John O’Brien T’20, CEO of The Box—a food truck run by Tuck students—in an article about the increasing popularity of food trucks in Vermont and New Hampshire.
Mentions research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French that established the pair’s three-factor model used for describing stock returns, and led to the rise of factor investing.
Vijay Govindarajan examines France’s approved tax of large digital companies.