Want to help fix health care? First you have to care about costs.
Continued coverage on How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time by Chris Trimble
Continued coverage on How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time by Chris Trimble
Vijay Govindarajan argues that the Indian government should increase public spending to ensure a healthy demand in the system.
Matthew Slaughter says that deep economic forces such as productivity growth, labor supplies, and public policies have more long-term impact on the global economy than exchange rates.
Tuck comes in fourth with 34 percent of the class of 2015 accepting offers in the consulting industry.
Sydney Finkelstein offers a list of 12 specific tips for a path to greater efficiency in the workplace.
Announces an award for a study co-authored by Katharina Lewellen on how the structure of compensation – particularly equity vesting – impacts the long-term health of firms.
Concurs with a recent editorial by Matthew Slaughter that currency manipulation by China is not a threat to the global economy.
Continued coverage of Superbosses by Sydney Finkelstein highlighting the upcoming publication as one of nine leadership books to watch for in 2016.
Matthew Slaughter writes that movements in the yuan’s nominal exchange rate do not affect long-term trade flows or jobs in the U.S.
Quotes Christopher Sinclair T’73, CEO of Mattel, in an article on challenges that many interim CEOs face. The Wall Street Journal writes, “Mr. Sinclair said his Mattel board experience gave him ‘a sense of things, but you don’t have a really deep understanding’ before becoming the company’s temporary top boss.” Sinclair recalled, “I don’t think there were too many hours of sleep in those first 45 days.’’
Sydney Finkelstein says, "I found that superbosses share a number of key personality traits. They tend to be extremely confident, competitive and imaginative. They also act with integrity and aren't afraid to let their authentic selves shine through."
Cites a report written by Alex Russell T’15, Center for Digital Strategies fellow, released last year on several plausible business applications for virtual reality headsets, including training, computer-aided design in manufacturing, and enterprise communications.
Constance Helfat on the possibility that Twitter's 140 character limit could soon get longer, and the possible reactions of Twitter users. "I remember when Amazon first went beyond books. There was a big hoo-ha among their users. It worked out fine."
Sydney Finkelstein says it may be better for companies to help their talent move on to a different company after five to 10 years. “You are able to capitalize on those relationships over the long-term, and you become known as a talent expert or magnet.”
Quotes Aine Donovan about public shaming online and on social media. "The whole notion of the Internet is speed, and speed often is the enemy of reasoned discourse. There's a worldwide epidemic happening right now of a lack of civility."
Jonathan Masland comments on the increasing number of MBA grads migrating toward sharing economy and fintech industries.
Andrew Palmer T’94, co-founder and CEO of Tamr, says “Sure, I’m getting paid to play with software all day, and I love solving hard computer problems, but what inspires me every day are the young people. I love seeing them do the things no one thought they could do. Many people don’t realize young people are doing a lot of the heavy lifting that makes the world go round.”
An excerpt from How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time by Chris Trimble, on four ways an innovation can improve health care delivery.
Quotes Chris Trimble on new health care innovations being less costly in the U.S. "The thing that makes me most optimistic is how often I'm seeing health systems make big commitments in this direction. If we keep seeing that, the next question is: Will physician innovators step up and do this kind of work? Will leaders support them?"
Tuck was recently ranked ninth in the annual "Ranking of the MBA Rankings" compiled by MBA50. The annual ranking combines the results of all the rankings of the last 12 months by regions of the world.
Quotes Sydney Finkelstein from his newest book Superbosses on what makes a particular CEO a superboss. “They didn’t just build organizations; they spotted, trained, and developed a future generation of leaders. They belong in a category beyond superstars: superbosses.”
Provides a brief introduction to Superbosses, a forthcoming book by Sydney Finkelstein on business personalities who are nurturing a new generation of leaders.
Paul Argenti says, "The pressure is so great among companies to avoid offending individual groups that they end up offending everyone."
Phil DeGisi T’09, head of marketing at CommonBond, paid off his $150k debt from Tuck in just over 5 years.
Highlights Nicole Burns T’17, as one of 10 women to watch in the Class of 2017.
Cites Sydney Finkelstein's remarks on what Jack Dorsey needs to do to be successful as CEO of two companies. "To make something like this work, you have to have a world-class team around you. Effective leaders delegate."
Sydney Finkelstein, the Steven Roth Professor of Management, offers his input for a list of CEOs who made the most egregious errors in 2015.
Article quotes Tom Arnold T'91, head of the Americas real estate group at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), which has become one of the world's largest property owners.
Tuck is highlighted as one of 10 business schools where students entered with average GMAT scores of at least 715.
Peter Fisher spoke about the affect of the Fed's announcement on markets, the mechanism of the short-term rate hike and what "lift off" really means.
Chris Trimble argues, “Here in the United States, we need to find ways to deliver higher quality care at lower cost. Why wouldn’t we look for inspiration to nations around the world that have struggled with minimal resources for decades.”
Mentions Tuck as one of 10 schools to watch in 2016. The article highlights Dean Matthew Slaughter’s vision for Tuck ‘to prepare wise leaders to better the world’ by increasing students global engagement with programs such as TuckGO.
John Vogel’s focuses on how to make smart philanthropic donations during this holiday season. He recommends looking for the United Way symbol on organization websites and using sites such as the Vermont Community Foundation.
Highlights Tuck as one of the recently ranked top MBA programs in the world by Business Insider where students earn an average base salary of $110,000 or more post-graduation.
Cites a working paper in which Pino Audia analyzed Pentagon press briefings from 2003 to 2006 to see how their content changed when public support of the war shifted.
Tuck is ranked 8th in Business Insider's sixth annual ranking of the world's best business schools. Business Insider examined the 60 perennially top-rated institutions that offer MBA programs and evaluated them based on the most recent data available on five metrics: reputation, average starting salary after graduation, job-placement rate, average GMAT score, and tuition and fees.