Spring Blooms, a TAG Challenge Looms.
This spring brings a compelling reason to renew your commitment to Tuck: the TAG Participation Challenge.
“I am constantly impressed by the kindness and camaraderie of the Tuck community,” said Dean Paul Danos. “And what better way to inspire alumni and friends than a call to action that relies on the strength of our network. Tuck alumni love a good challenge, so I’m confident they will respond with their unparalleled enthusiasm.”
Dean Danos never wagers against Tuck alumni in this arena, since more than 70 percent of them give to TAG every year. No other school—business or otherwise—even comes close to that level of giving. It’s something that arouses both pride and a bit of healthy competition, all for the benefit of an institution that turns out eminently capable and distinguished leaders in business and society.
Rise to the May Challenge. Invest in Tuck and make a gift today. www.givetotuck.org.