
Nov 28, 2016

Public Firms Are Increasingly Seeking Out Private Capital

Tuck professor Gordon Phillips explores the rise of private equity investments in public companies.

Nov 28, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report: Modi Delivers Demonetization

“India is indeed a country on the move under bold leadership,” say Slaughter & Rees in response to Prime Minister Modi’s recent announcement banning the use of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes.

Nov 21, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report: The Only Flame In Town

Other world leaders are not camped with TV cameras outside the Trump Tower to glimpse which possible cabinet members are coming and going. They are working with alacrity to build a better tomorrow for their citizens and for the broader world.

Nov 16, 2016

Finkelstein’s “Superbosses” among Amazon’s Best Books of 2016

"Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent" is one of Amazon’s best business and leadership books of 2016.

Nov 14, 2016

When Does Waiting in Line Seem Unfair?

Tuck professor Laurens Debo examines a new method for dealing with product waitlists.

Nov 14, 2016

Next Step: Business Skills for Veterans and Athletes

Tuck launches Next Step: Transition to Business, a two and a half week learning experience specifically designed for veterans and elite athletes looking to make a move into the business world.

Nov 14, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report: Confident Humility and Empathy

"There remains a wide range of post-election thoughts and feelings here in our Tuck community and far beyond. At times like these, empathy can be especially useful," say Slaughter & Rees.

Nov 11, 2016

At Hanover High, Tuck Veterans Tell Their Stories

Tuck veterans engaged this week with the local Upper Valley community.

Nov 08, 2016

The Puzzling Market for Stock Market Volatility Insurance

Tuck professor Ing-Haw Cheng finds that, contrary to conventional thinking, the premium for insurance has been slow to increase after risk rises—even declining in some cases.

Nov 07, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report: The Day of Reckoning Is Upon Us—Three Reasons to Channel Tigger, N...

Surely after all of tomorrow’s votes are counted, America can find similar common spirit in the pursuit of a better economic tomorrow.

Nov 04, 2016

Connecting Credit Access and Entrepreneurship

Tuck professor Gordon Phillips and a colleague from the University of Minnesota have received a grant from the Washington Center for Equitable Growth that will fund research on understanding how consumer credit affects entrepreneurship.

Nov 02, 2016

Building a Business, in Business School

Networking can be awkward. Stephanie Letzler T’17 is on a mission to make it easier with Pairakeet, a newly launched mobile application she developed while at Tuck.

Nov 01, 2016

Revers Gift Propels New Energy Center at Tuck

Tuck is pleased to announce the launch of the new Revers Center for Energy, established to inspire and shape tomorrow’s leaders in energy while engaging in today’s energy economy, and made possible through a generous gift from Daniel Revers T’89, managing partner and co-founder of ArcLight Capital Partners and a member of Tuck’s board of overseers.

Oct 31, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report: Free Trade Falters in Europe

In case you hadn’t noticed, the forces against free trade are ascendant around the world. The latest example? This weekend’s stumble over the finish line of the European Union and Canada.

Oct 28, 2016

Meet the Class of 2018

Poised for success, Tuck’s dynamic class of 2018 brings to campus a diverse set of backgrounds, experiences, and accomplishments.

Oct 24, 2016

Where Credit Is Due

A new working paper by Felipe Severino bucks the common wisdom on bankruptcy protection.

Oct 24, 2016

Slaughter & Rees Report - Wanted: More Workers

Once the inauguration balloons have all fallen and the new Congress is seated, America’s new leaders should endeavor to address the decline in the labor force participation rate, according to Slaughter & Rees.

Oct 18, 2016

At Home and Abroad

Tuck is tapping into a local resource for its global learning requirement—Dartmouth faculty.