Jan 30, 2018

Considering an MBA? Start Here

If you’re considering an MBA, don’t start with the GMAT—start here:

  1. Think about YOU. Think about your career path so far, the decisions you’ve made along the way, and where you want to be two years from now, ten years from now, and beyond. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you want/need to develop in order to reach your goals? What are you looking for in a living and learning environment? What do you need outside of academics that will empower you to put your energy into a program?
  2. Think about the MBA DEGREE. Why this is the right degree for you? What can you gain from an MBA versus another degree? Talk to people you know with an MBA about their experience and what they learned. This gives you context to think about whether your understanding of the value of an MBA matches the reality. It also helps you to form the basis of your answer to the inevitable question during the application process, “Why do you want an MBA?”
  3. Research the SCHOOLS you’re considering. Figure out what’s distinctive about each school and program, as well as the commonalities between them. Go back to what you wanted to get out of your MBA. How does each school align? You might even want to throw it all into an Excel spreadsheet to see how it fits your priorities—you need to get comfortable with those anyway!

Good luck as you get started and we look forward to staying in touch!