The 2022 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2022 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 1998
Abhishek B. Agarwal (22)
Kirsten Fantasia Ahearn
Scott C. Andrews
Rana I. Andrews
Marshall A. Bartlett 
Lance S. Benzley
Dave S. Block
Peter H. Bowles
Dean H. Briesemeister
Rick Cardenas 
Luis Felipe Castellanos (16)
Fernando R. Chaddad (22)
Peter W. Chapman 
George Andrew Cheney
Christopher M. Covington
Richard C. Crable
Didier T. A. H. M. Damoiseaux
Jonathan M. DeSimone 
Marco Di Liberto
Michael B. DiFilippo
Santiago Dirube
Keri S. Dogan 
Mark D. Edwards 
Gregory L. Elliott (14)
Jill A. Kaczynski Elliott
Rebecca S. Fair
David E. Finley 
Scott G. Fisher 
Cynthia Laufen FitzMaurice 

Maurice J. FitzMaurice 
Liana L. Frey
Andrew B. Gaillard 
Megan Newstrom Gaillard 
Michael S. Gibney
Daniel E. Givens (19)
Michelle H. Gosselin Halsey
Mark J. Hamel
Rachael Hannah (16)
Robert S. Hee
Kristiana Helmick 

Scott K. A. Hirayama
Allison Polley Hirsch
Katherine Y. Hunter-Blyden (13)
Matthew T. Iorio 
Carolyn A. Jones (13)
Gregory H. Jones
Amanda Vineyard Kavanagh 
Christopher A. Kibarian
Meredith M. Kirousis
Donald J. Klein
Frank R. Knapp 
Andre L. Roberts Koester 
Kevin Kuryla
Caroline La Voie 

John D. La Voie 

John B. Lee (4)
Kristy B. Gaschler LeGrande
Matthew T. Lenehan
Benoit Lenfant
Pierre P. Lessard
Jonathan D. Levine
Victoria M. Schwartz Levy
Kiki Chang Kay Li (8)
Linda Li Lynch 
Peter K. Magnusson (21)
Susan S. Mann
Elizabeth Harris McCarthy
Philip A. McCaull
Patrick S. McClymont
Kimberly L. McCormack 

John B. McCormick
Ann E. McGowan
Stephen R. Meade 
Christopher M. Merchant (20)
Iain J. Michel
Ulf Michel
Kevin D. Miller
Laura Hewitt Miller 
Michael C. Miller
Paul K. Miller
Leland E. Modesitt III
Maurice S. Moon
Peter D. Mooradian
Jennifer L. Moyer 

Scott D. Musch
Paul M. Mutter
David William Neithardt (20)
David S. Nelson
John H. Odden
Shawna Huffman Owen
Rohan Pal
Pamela L. Peedin
Carlos Eduardo Perez
Elizabeth L. Diefenbacher Perez
J. Anthony Precourt 
Daphne Psacharopoulos
Michael B. Redstone-Rothstein (12)
Scott A. Reed
Veronica Regalado de Madianos
Jennifer Bryant Roskoz 
David E. Roth
Nancy V. Roth
Emily Kramer Rubin
Mark S. Russell
Paul B. Sagara
Kimberly A. Sarajian, C.F.A.
James B. Shaw
Jessica M. Rubin Spruill 
Cameron P. Steele
Eric M. Stemm
John C. Stephens
Todd M. Stern
Susan N. Hunt Stevens
Xiao-Guang Sun
Marco A. Tablada 
Cristen A. H. Tabors 
Steven T. Tran (12)
David W. Tsung
Philip A. Walton
Sharon Belz Walton (23)
Scott C. Wielar
Shannon E. Young III
Martin M. Zug
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