The 2022 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2022 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 1994
Ariel F. Acuna 
Helen A. Allman (25)
Mariano P. Ansaldo (24)
Elizabeth Harker Axel
Kevin Mark Barry
Kevin Moore Barry
John B. Batdorf
Jeff Beard
Angelique Bellmer Krembs (27)
Vivina Berla
Scott P. Bertetti
Peter P. Bishop Jr. 
Gregoire Bordier 
Jeanine M. Rossi Borthwick 

Kenneth J. Carangelo
Linda A. Carey
Anil R. Chitkara
Tristram E. Collins (26)
Laureen Costa 
John S. Coughlin
W. Christopher Crosby (26)
Kristen E. Curtin (25)
Thomas T. DePatie 
Edward J. Devlin 
Becky Devlin 
Walter John Dex Jr.
Eduardo Dutrey
Simon J. Eckersley
Suzette M. Fandino
Linda Flaherty
Richard R. Galaty Jr.
John C. Gannon (18)
Craig D. Gentry 
Gary T. Giglio
Michael L. Goering (26)
Stephen A. Gorman 
Tarkan V. Gurkan 
Nicholas A. Hall (27)
Christopher A. Heckscher 
Bradley P. Hinton 
Brian W. Immel (20)
Tatsushi Izuta
Kirk W. Jackisch
Marianne Sampogna Jacobson
Robert C. Jacobson
Peter R. Jones
Leahi Kaulia (18)
Stephen G. Kemper
William C. Kennish
Matthew C. Kilguss (21)
Peter J. Killilea, Jr.
John Jongyun Kim 
Kurt R. Knapton 
Anand R. Krishna
Seogoo Lee 
Elizabeth Koussis Lemire
David J. K. Link
Gregory E. Littleton (12)
Thomas B. Loring 
Peter T. Magee (27)
Mark D. Mandel 
Phillip W. Marriott Jr. 
Diego Juan Martinez
David E. Matthew
Masahiro Miura 
Joseph L. Moore Jr. (13)
Christopher A. Mori
Richard P. Moss
Ayesha Muzaffar
Richard Bruce Myers Jr. (20)
Cameron R. Nelson
Steven P. Ng 
John M. Nusbaum
Christophe C. Oliver 
Tara Hargraves Oliver
Simon H. Parmett 
Charles G. Pepin
Michael J. Perera (22)
Steven L. Pinado
Alan L. Purintun
Alain Rauh
Michael J. Reddy (25)
William G. Reich
Pamela Rorke Moeller
Ulrik Schack 
Kathleen M. Schaller 
Daniel K. Schrupp (14)
Kimberly A. Schweitzer
Lawrence J. Scinto Jr.
Altaf A. Shamji
Bruce R. Shaw
Alan Jeffrey Sherman
Andrew J. Shilling 
Katsuhiko Shimizu
Peter H. Sisson (23)
Paul A. Slakey
Jennifer Rudy Sneath, C.F.A.
James D. Spare
Jeffrey H. Starr 
George H. Stelling, Jr.
Andrew W. Stith 
Jose N. Suarez (27)
Arnaud Tesson
Taylor G. Thomas
William W. Townsend
John D'Arcy Tyree
Moray L. Vincent
Nancy J. Volpert
B. Douglas Whitman, II
Christopher W. Whitmore
Patricia L. Frank Wolff 

Russell E. Wolff 

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