The 2020 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2020 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 2001
Jacob F. Appleton (20)
Michael C. Aragon (20)
Andres Arizpe (6)
Megan M. Mayhugh Arth (17)
James Stephen Athanasoulas (19)
John C. Auth, Jr. (16)
Lloyd I. Baskin (18)
Paul J. Behar (20)
Andrei Belyi (20)
John D. Beveridge (18)
Stephen M. Bonz (15)
Kathryn Boxmeyer (19)
Tiffany A. Breau-Metivier (20)
Todd R. Buechs (20)
Michael Burgmaier (19)
Dmitriy N. Bykadorov (13)
Tara L. Capobianco (19)
Alejandro C. Carboni (7)
Rene Castro, Ph.D. (19)
Kenton R. Chase (20)
Gina Clark des Cognets (19)
Cristina J. Colello (18)
Jason C. Copland (19)
Craig A. Daily (20)
Happy H. Daily (20)
Nigel J. Dalziel (12)
Luis Felipe B. A. Dau (20)
Aaron C. Davenport (19)
Carmen de Pablo Redondo (18)
Asitha De Silva (20)
Ross D. DeMont (19)
Elizabeth Walles Duda (19)
Scott W. Edwards (18)
Maria Estefanell (15)
Michael A. Ewald (19)
Antoinette C. Fanikos (10)
Raymond J. Faust (19)
Eduardo D. Fernandes (14)
Nancy Ho Foster (19)
Zakir H. Gaibi (18)
Keith W. Gamble (20)
Gregory B. Goodwin (20)
Eric J. Grorud (19)
Garrett P. Grunewald (20)
Keqiang Gui (20)
Michelle Huchel Guiley (14)
Jialan Guo (18)
Andrea R. Guthrie (20)
Alison Wille Harris (20)
Matthew F. Hayes (19)
Christopher John Hojlo (20)
Elizabeth A. Holland Athanasoulas (19)
Marcela I. Huergo Dooley (14)
Roberto Iervolino (9)
Kelly Johnson Jr. (18)
Subramaniam Karthik (19)
Bruce H. Kikunaga (17)
Emi Kusafuka-Lehmann (19)
Jane K. Lannon (20)
David H. Leach (19)
Alexandre Lejeune (20)
Jie Lian (17)
Margaret Denniston Lin (20)
Hongyu Liu (20)
Jean-Jacques Louis (16)
Amy W. Lund (20)
Christian E. Lund (20)
Mathias Margreiter (20)
Alejandro Martinez-Perez (17)
Kristen Michelle Eble Maynard (19)
Eve M. Meek (20)
Natsuki Miyata (20)
Raymond R. Morin (18)
Thomas L. O'Brien (16)
Christopher R. O'Neill (16)
Claudia Pardo (20)
Aaron T. Patterson (15)
Darren T. Peers (20)
Gail A. Perreault (20)
Hayden M. Perry (20)
Heidi Peterson (18)
Meredith E. Petitjean (19)
Courtney H. Pierson (20)
Eduardo D. Pokorny (20)
Kerry Scott Pokorny (20)
Peter M. Polson (19)
Brook W. Potter (19)
Sheelah M. Riley Sullivan (20)
Christopher E. Ross (19)
Jacob T. Rosser (19)
Mark C. Sadeghian (19)
Omar A. Santiago (17)
John R. Selkrig (18)
Steven A. Shames (18)
Keven P. Shanahan (20)
Peter G. Siciliano (13)
Matthew F. Smith (19)
Andrew M. Snow (20)
Virginia R. Snow (20)
James T. Stutz (19)
Michael T. Sullivan (20)
Derek M. Swaim (20)
Amity M. B. Swank (16)
Emily Thomas Theobald (11)
Eoin J. Theobald (11)
William J. Thibault (19)
Steven S. Tseng (19)
James E. Turner, III (20)
Mary P. Turso (19)
Matthew K. Umscheid (19)
Katharine E. Veerman (19)
Peter J. von Alt (15)
Hao Wang (16)
James E. Weatherly (20)
Ilsa R. Webeck (17)
Matthew M. Whitney (19)
Rufus J. Williams IV (19)
Junbo Xia (17)
Jean-Stephane Yansouni (20)
Previous Fiscal Year TAG Honor Roll:
• 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | Current TAG Honor Roll