The 2020 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2020 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!

Class of 1965

William W. Becker (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(45) 

Richard H. Chase, Jr. (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(49) 

William A. Corbus (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(TAG Leadership Giving)(49) 

Sabin Danziger (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(47) 

G. H. Denniston, Jr. (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(49) 

Alan W. Doherty (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(23) 

Carl S. DuRei (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(49) 

Richard W. Enholm (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(49) 

Gerald G. Garbacz (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(Volunteer)(TAG Leadership Giving)(49) 

L. George Gardella (14) 

Thomas A. Good (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(46) 

John B. Hedge (37) 

Frank C. Herringer (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(TAG Leadership Giving)(46) 

Stephen R. Israel (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(42) 

Lynne A. Kalustian (3) 

Neil H. Kleinman (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(47) 

W. Huston Lillard, III (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(34) 

Peter E. Luitwieler (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(47) 

Arthur McGinnes (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(49) 

Henry M. Picken, Jr. (5) 

Thomas O. Richardson (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(TAG Leadership Giving)(45) 

Allan A. Rikkola Jr. (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(47) 

Dexter A. Roberts (38) 

Kenneth A. Sagat (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(47) 

Wayne A. Sloper (43) 

Douglas G. Smith (28) 

Mark A. Thomas (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(37) 

Alan S. Woodberry (Tuck Evergreen Loyalty Society)(44) 

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