The 2019 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2019 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 2010
Aisha M. Barry 
Andres Bayly Letts 
John C. Clifford 
John J. Kim 
Hans F. Reichstetter 
Karl A. Reichstetter 
Ekaterina V. Advena
Carey Schwaber Armstrong
Robert K. Baker, M.D.
Christine D. Banian
Catherine W. Barber
Gregory R. Barbiaux
Elena Bazina
Alexandre M. Bernigaud
Sarah A. Blais
Ariel Blumovich (4)
Rachel M. Bobruff 
Ian C. Bodley
Nathan E. Brookshire (7)
Reed F. Bundy
Allan D. Callow
Qiyong Cao
Anthony D. Cape
Christine Capilouto
Claudia Carbonelli
Hareesh Chander (6)
Luke W. Chapman (7)
Karen F. Charlton
Victoria Chen (8)
Zlati K. Christov
Jonathan G. Cleborne
Kelly E. Cleborne
Bennett P. Collier
Jennifer Coughlin
Rebekah Crane
Bristol J. Crawford
Jeffrey W. Davidson
Rodrigo De La Torre
Ferdinand de Roubaix
Matthew A. DeLellis
Miao Ding
Kathryn A. Doherty
John W. Dorffeld (8)
Razvan V. Dumitru
Matthew H. Eckhouse 
Michael Edwards
Karenne B. Eng (6)
Joshua W. Englund 
Anne Liles Faber
Robert A. Faber
Amy E. Florentino
Churchill H. Franklin
Philip E. Franz
Lauren Fraser
Abhijit Ganguly
Francisco J. Garcia Teruel Vivanco (7)
Michael L. Garvey (8)
Meredith E. Giersch
Eric D. Goetz (8)
Paul M. Granada 
Eaun H. Gray
Benjamin D. Gregg
Janie Song Gregorich
Thomas R. Guest
Kristopher M. Hager (6)
Calvert B. Hall Jr.
Stephen J. Hallowell (4)
Elizabeth A. Harris
Daniel R. Hawkins
Amanda Hegge
John D. Hegge
Dawson W. Her Many Horses
Matthew L. Hooks
Eugene Hsu, M.D. (5)
Christopher C. Huston
Ali R. Hyatt
Alanna Hynes DeGisi 
Nneka O. Ibekweh (8)
David P. Isaacs
Rashi Jain
Elizabeth Shields Jenkins
Jennifer Kelly Johnson, C.F.A.
Deepak M. Kadambi
Ryuji Kikuchi (7)
Lauren A. Krostue
Ryan W. Krouskop
Robert A. Lariviere (8)
Laura A. Larson
Wolfgang B. Latt
Sylvie D. Liberman
John B. Lojek
Frank A. Madden
Carolyn B. Maezes
Daniel Magnia
James J. Marett
Michelle A. McAuliffe
Andrea Schwartz McCullough
John McCullough
Michael D. McFadden
Simon A. McKay
Martin Meninato
Elihu C. Miles 
Manik Mital
Caleb M. Moore
Micah M. Moreau
Jessica A. Morgan, M.D. (2)
Johnathan P. Munko
Andrew J. Naporano III
Lindsay Choate Naporano
Derek J. Nowak
James M. Nzukie (5)
Yasuhiro Osako
Travis E. Page (6)
Stootee A. Parikh (8)
Thomas Park
Stephen L. Parks
Oliver Perez
Andrew H. Persson
Daniel T. Peterson
Molly Regennitter
Marcelo J. Reynal Morande
Alan M. Rich
Joshua M. Rodriguez
Alexander M. Rosati
Elizabeth C. Roth
Kevin J. Ruane
Nicholas S. Russell
Kyunghwan Ryu (5)
Saurabh Sarbaliya
Mauricio C. Sartori
Arathi Seshagiri
Paul E. Snow
Michael L. Stallworth (8)
Laura N. Stearns
Samuel J. Stearns
Abigail W. Sullivan (8)
Ashleigh Snelson Sullivan
Rafael K. Teixeira
Milen T. Todorov (8)
Jonathan TranPham
Genady Tsinker (3)
Lars C. Ulness
Natalya R. Vargo
Rajesh Vashist
Claire V. Voorhees
Yoko Warita
Jonathan R. Whitticom
Andrew S. Wilkins
Kevin P. Williams
Charles R. Woolcott
Kristina Wright 
Bo Yang
Xiaohang Yu
Stefan Zaklin
Tatiana C. Zambon
Yaron Zimmerman
Previous Fiscal Year TAG Honor Roll:
• 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | Current TAG Honor Roll