The 2019 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2019 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 1992
Jonathan J. Fouts
William E. Bannister-Parker 
Roswitha S. Mueller 
Irakli Otar Rukhadze 
Hans J. Dau 
Joseph August DePaulo Jr. 

Amy Feind Reeves 
Richard J. Ganong Jr. 
John A. Henry IV 
Marwan Naja 
Kathleen A. Grady Reiland 
William T. Reiland 
Christine Wyman
Shaun G. Andrikopoulos
Mary Petersen Asel
David J. Baran
Pedro Beroy
Andrea Berti
Gregory R. Berzolla
Martha Winnick Blue
Patrick Eric Cannell
Bradley Douglas Carlson 
Daniel Joseph Chan
Frank J. Comas
Sean P. Cook
Kirsten H. Detrick
Anne Seibold Drapeau
Mathis H. Dreher
Jeffrey D. Farley
Adam P. Godfrey
Meg Storey Groves
Richard F. R. Guttler
Thomas Woodley Heath III
Robert G. Hedlund, III
Lisa L. Henderson
John R. Honigmann
Jonathan Neil Horowitch
Elisa Mogelever Humphrey
Courtney Jane
Hanne B. Jansen Laird
Alan Kealii Jones
Thomas P. Kannam
Ken Karegeannes (25)
Timothy Pitkin King
Keira Kuhs Krausz
Ravindra Kushan
Nicholas B. Laird
Rodney A. Lefever
Jonathan W. Leone (21)
Canciano Lopez de Miguel
Eric R. Lorimer
Samar Malik
Robert G. Mann
William L. Marshall IV
John Mendonca (23)
Hanan Miron
Gerald I. Moore
Julie T. Morton
Thomas McDonald Overton 
Mark T. Petersen
Kelvin K. Phoon
Michael R. Polito
Amelia J. Rasdal
James Arthur Rideout
David C. Rudolph
Scott J. Russell
Lamar R. Rutherford
Grace Leong Saturnia
Christine A. Selmi Jameson
Eileen Alter Shapiro
Susanna Shore
Steven Edward Sklar 
Earl H. Slee
Clark J. Spencer
Gulce Cini Sukal
Stephen D. Sylwester (14)
Gregory S. Thompson
Akira Uchida
Michael V. Vaccaro
Richard T. Watson Jr.
John D. Weber
Lisa Torrey Weiss
James A. West (11)
Qiao Xing
Horim Nathan Yi
John R. Zappa
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