The 2019 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2019 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 1985
David G. Brown 
Di M. Daych 
Patrick J. Fallon 
Peter D. Fitzsimmons 
Philip Giudice 
David S. MacAllaster 
Douglas R. Manchester
Frederick C. Maynard III 
David A. McElhinny 
Cornelius F. Moses III 
Jon R. Pundyk 
Dow R. Wilson 
Gifts up to $2,500 or $1,000*
George C. Alex
Lisa O. Arnold
Kwame K. C. Asare
Andrew J. Audet
Danae G. Avramidis
Kristine Ball
Reed G. Bergwall (32)
Bret H. Bero
Karen B. Blatt (33)
Sally G. Bloomberg
Glenn A. Buckles
Giles Chance (11)
Thomas M. Chapin
Nathaniel E. Conard
Lisa A. Conte
Margaret J. Cornwell (28)
Grant H. Davis 
Jonathan E. Davis
Mark Q. Davis
Joseph E. Dixon
Patrick J. Durkin (32)
Ross B. Elkin
Frederick H. Eppinger Jr.
Steven L. Eskenazi
Wendy Nadherny Fachon
Edward S. Fitzgibbons, Jr.
Laura B. Fitzgibbons
Stuart R. B. Fletcher
Craig Froelich
Thomas W. Gorman
Alexander G. Grant
Lisa Bush Hankin
Richard C. Hill
Kevin J. Holian
Judy Holmes
Kenneth F. Holmes
Robert H. Huntington
Emily F. Rubin Jennewein
Julie A. Koeninger
Katharine Wiley Laud
Edward K. LeClair
Gary R. Lerner
Heather Lightbody
Patricia A. Maloney
Kevin M. McClintock
Susan M. McGuire
Peter McManus
Michael McQueeney
Thomas L. Melly
Barry M. Miller
A. Katharine Morgans
Michael J. Murphy
Jonathan S. Pettee
Leonora Jungerwirth Polonsky
Chris Roon (32)
Tore Rynning-Nielsen
J. Connor Seabrook
Mark H. Shwert
Helen Ward Smith
Paul O. Solli
Maynard H. Southard
Barbara A. Thistle Tormondsen
John R. Tormondsen
Daniel P. Towle
Salil J. Tripathi (19)
Scott A. von Eschen (26)
William P. Wells
John K. Weston
Jack E. Williams, III
John H. Wong
Donald A. Wright
William Y. Yun
Previous Fiscal Year TAG Honor Roll:
• 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | Current TAG Honor Roll