The 2019 TAG Honor Roll recognizes alumni and friends of Tuck who contributed to the 2019 Tuck Annual Giving campaign between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Their generosity affords Tuck the foundational support and innovative means to provide a personal, connected, and transformative experience for today’s students and is vital to our mission of educating tomorrow’s wise leaders. Thank you!
Class of 1983
Carolyn Carr McGuire 
Paul C. Shiverick 
Warren C. Smith Jr. 
Russell W. Steenberg 

Valentine Hollingsworth III 
Douglas S. McLean 
Jeffrey T. Newton 
David E. Robinson 
Michael E. Sneed 
Brent W. West 
Ian J. Bailey
Thomas L. Binnings (13)
Barbara K. Bromley
Carolyn W. Buck
Christine Heger Cahn 
Gary A. Cahn
Jonathan D. Calder
Pamela L. Callan
Diana Lane Calligan
Steven C. Case
Stephen J. Clark
Peter M. Clay
Samuel R. Coleman
Michael B. Connolly (28)
Charles P. Cooley, III
Charles G. Crane
Stewart L. Cutler
Constantine J. Day
Judith Brier Donnelly
Christophe Durand-Ruel
Peter A. Dusseault
Cameron Eldred
Eric S. Evans
John H. Evans, III
Nancy Stoecker Evans
Joseph E. Fellows, III
Robin Rose Filipski (9)
David C. Fulton Jr. (33)
William D. Goddard
Paul D. Grand Pré
Robert B. Hannah
K. Carter Harris
Nicholas P. Heymann
Thomas R. Hinman
Mikihisa Hirai
Matthew J. Hogan
Mason Irving III
Susan R. Kahn
John R. Kirst (29)
Michael R. Lauber 
James B. Levison
Gerald M. Lodge (26)
Robert B. MacIntosh
Clinton S. Marshall
Andrew S. Martzloff
James W. McBride
Jane M. Mullen
Kathryn C. Nyrop
Donald C. O'Connor
John P. O'Loughlin
John C. Oakman
Phillip N. Parker
Scott R. Pattullo
Eliot H. Powell
John M. Prader
Roger M. Prevot
Gilbert M. Roddy, Jr.
Douglas W. Ross
Eric S. Sagerman
Neil J. Sandler
Sharon Shaw Slade
Arch C. Smith
Edward M. Snook
David G. St. Amand
Takahiko Suneya (23)
Minoru Tada
Elizabeth A. Tilney
Schuyler M. Tilney
Louise H. VanDeth
Mary M. VanDeWeghe
David S. von Loesecke
Gillian A. N. Weatherhead (29)
Marian L. White
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