Partners and Families

Tuck Partners (TPs) provide support and friendship to one another as they take on this new adventure and life at Tuck.

Anyone who is a spouse or a significant other of a Tuck student is considered to be a “Tuck Partner.”

At Tuck, partners are an integral part of the #tuckfabric. Whether you choose to establish yourself in the Upper Valley or be a remote partner, you’re a part of the Partner Community. Partner life here isn’t a club you have to join or a group to which you pay dues. Instead, Tuck Partners (TPs) are a collective of people sharing the experience of business school life together.

There is a strong community of caring and support at the Tuck School, and there is an active network of partners coordinated by a board of partners who work with the MBA Program Office. TPs get involved in the many opportunities Tuck offers, from top-notch speakers and conferences, to campus organizations, to the great outdoors, to the many Tuck Partners group offerings!

What to Expect

Big life changes are never easy, and starting business school is no exception. The Tuck Partner Community is here to ease your transition. From helping new partners get established in the Upper Valley to hosting a steady stream of social events throughout the year, Tuck Partners are here to help people adjust to MBA life. A diverse group of people, Tuck Partners are here to guide you through your transition because they’ve been there before! Whether that transition is finding a job, maintaining your current job, adjusting to the Hanover climate, or balancing time with your family, there are partners around with advice on their experience.

Tuck Partners offer a number of great resources for those joining the Tuck Family.

A great tool is the Tuck Partner Resource Guide, full of tried and true advice for partners and families, including area school information, social activities, and more. Stay tuned for this year’s version, soon to come!

Be sure to follow the Tuck Partners Instagram, where you can get an inside look at partner life. This is where current partners post information on upcoming events, local activities, and other fun happenings. Tuck Partners run many clubs as diverse as their backgrounds and interests, which range from the Craft Club to the Gourmet Club, from Work From Home Club to Male Partner Club, and from Tuck Dogs to Tiny Tuckies just to name a few. No matter where you are in life or what your interests may be, you will find a group for you.

There’s always something going on in the community for students, partners, and families. At Tuck and Dartmouth, you will discover an intriguing array of speakers and events as can only be found at such a diverse and prestigious institution. There are magnificent film series, including the only east coast showing of selected films from the Telluride Film Festival. In the spring and fall, runners, bikers, and golfers are everywhere, and in the winter skiing is as close as your doorstep. The Appalachian Trail runs through Hanover, and there’s several great hikes and outdoor adventures all within a short distance. To learn more about life and activities in the Upper Valley, visit the Valley News.

If you have any questions and would like to chat with a current Tuck partner, feel free to send us an email. We look forward to meeting you!

Erinn Burroughs TP'25 
Dan Beaulieu TP'25 
Lauren Fries TP'25 
Pamela Huerta TP'25 
Tuck Partners Club Co-Chairs

Partner Insights

Why Tuck? A Student and a Tuck Partner Weigh In

At Tuck, partners Greg Jacobson T’24 and Melissa Rothenberg TP’24 found the welcoming MBA community they had been searching for.

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Advice from a Tuck Partner: What to Know Before You Arrive to the Upper Valley

Lita Madlang TP’21 shares her top five things to know before moving to the Upper Valley

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Top Family-Friendly Activities in the Upper Valley

With its lush outdoors and tight-knit community, the Upper Valley is a prime place for family fun!

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Tuck Voices

“One of the highlights of my Tuck experience has been the family-like relationships built with classmates, Tuck Partners, and Tiny Tuckies. From being blessed with the best next-door neighbors, attending and hosting dozens of dinners, racing bicycles with (and always losing to) the many Tiny Tuckies we love so much, to gaining the nickname ‘Mr. Marky Poo,’ I’ll always look back fondly on these memories and be grateful for my friends that turned into family.”

Mark Noble T’21