Mail Service

You can pick up your mail and packages in the AMOS mailroom while at Tuck.

All students have a mailbox where mail and packages are received and distributed daily Monday through Friday. We also have regular pickups for UPS, FedEx, and USPS (United States Postal Service).

Mail: In order to pick up your mail, you will need to have your mailbox key with you. The AMOS staff members cannot open student mailboxes, which are available 24/7.

If you are living off-campus, you may have your mail sent to either Tuck or to your off-campus address. To avoid delays in forwarding mail to off-campus addresses, we recommend that you have your mail sent directly to your new address. Please do not have your spouse or partner’s mail sent to Tuck since mailboxes list only students’ names.

You will be assigned a mailbox in the AMOS mailroom that can be used for campus mail, U.S. mail, and packages. Your mail should be addressed in the following way:

First Name Last Name T’27
29 Tuck Hall
Box Mailbox #
Hanover, NH
Bob Smith T’27
29 Tuck Hall
Box 27001
Hanover, NH

The five-digit number after “Box” ranges from 27001 – 27630. This number will remain the same for your two years at Tuck.

Packages: You will receive an email when you receive a package. You will receive a first, second, and third notification. If we do not hear from you by after the third notification, your package will be returned. If you receive a perishable item, the AMOS staff will email you separately. Please pick this up as soon as possible.

If you are unable to come by AMOS to pick up your package during open hours, simply reply to the AMOS package notification email and CC the person you would like to pick up your item(s).

Please note that July 15 is the earliest we can receive your items. Items sent before this date will be returned.