The Dartmouth College Health Service provides comprehensive ambulatory and infirmary services for Dartmouth students through “Dick’s House.”
Part of your pre-matriculation requirements involves health forms, vaccines/immunizations, and insurance requirements, all of which need to be completed before June 30, 2025. Health forms and information about health-related pre-matriculation requirements are available from Dartmouth College Health Services. You will need to complete several online forms and receive any necessary vaccines before the deadline of June 30, 2025.
Dartmouth College and Tuck take the collective health of our student body extremely seriously. The deadline to meet all health and immunization requirements is June 30. Given the difficulty sometimes inherent in obtaining immunization records, Tuck will grant a two-week grace period beyond the June 30 deadline for students who have been unable to obtain this paperwork. If students have still been unable to meet health and immunization requirements by July 14, incoming students must arrange with their health care provider or Dick’s House to be re-immunized, and proof of the re-immunizations, or proof that an appointment has been made at Dick’s House for the immunization, must be submitted by August 8. Compliance with Dartmouth College’s health and immunization requirements is mandatory to enroll at the Tuck School.
Waiving Dartmouth Insurance: If you choose to opt-out of the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP), you must complete the Insurance Waiver petition before July 1, 2025 to avoid late fees and before August 31, 2025 for a full year waiver. You will receive emails about this starting mid-May from the DSGHP office, as well as from Gallagher Student Health (Dartmouth’s waiver processor), which will contain the waiver instructions and your waiver login information. If you wish to be enrolled in the DSGHP, you do not need to do anything as enrollment is automatic unless a waiver is received.
Please note: Due to required set-up in the Dick’s House system, you will be unable to complete the required Online Health Forms through DartHub until you have your NetID and password (mid-May). In the meantime, read through all requirements on the Dick’s House page, download the ‘Graduate Checklist’ and printable forms from the site, and begin compiling and submitting your immunization records. The Health Service deadline for submitting health forms is June 30, 2025.
For all questions related to health and insurance requirements and medical services, please contact Dick’s House by email or phone at 603-646-9400.