Writing a resume is one of the first steps in a successful job search strategy—it is your one-page personal selling tool.
Often it will be your calling card to a company and it might be the first impression you make. Crafting a resume is also an opportunity for you to assess your professional and personal experiences and think about what you accomplished, why you made the decisions you did, what you liked (or didn’t like) about your choices, and how this all plays into your career search going forward. Throughout your two years at Tuck, you will create multiple versions of your resume—a standard Tuck version for an online resume database as well as resumes tailored to specific jobs, companies, or industries.
We ask that you prepare and upload a Tuck-style resume before you arrive on campus. Resources you need for preparing and submitting your resume will be provided before summer.
Considering applying to pre-MBA opportunities with consulting firms or investment banking firms? Review these documents to ensure your resume is in good shape: